Tag Archives: Syfy Channel

Catnado, A Natural Force for Good

Catnado, a natural force for good.

With the unbelievable success of the Syfy Channel movie, Sharknado and then Sharknado 2: The Second One, I’m shooting my own B movie: Catnado: A Natural Force for Good.

Synopsis: A Midwest American farm town is overrun by mice and rats because the EPA has outlawed effective pesticides. The farmers pray for relief. Salvation comes from an unexpected source when a tornado hits a starving feral cat colony then sweeps through the grainaries. The cats eradicate the pests and get a full tummy at the same time. The lonely children of the community develop friendships with the cats. The lonely old man adopts a stray calico and names her after his late wife. In the last scene picture the town gangbanger after being saved from flying debris by an old tomcat with a tipped ear. The kid picks up old Tom, hugs him and they both start life anew.

Unlike the Sharknado movies, there is some level of accuracy, since cats can survive falls, whereas in any other world besides a Syfy movie, sharks would splat into a nasty blob of red and gray.

Catnado: A Natural Force for Good. Coming to a screen sometime.