Tag Archives: sinus cancer

Elvis has Left the Building and Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Elvis Savannah
At special events the young sexy Elvis provided eye candy for the ladies of all species.

Elvis was too young when he passed, that Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love. When I say “hunka” I’m talking about one massive, sexy feline. Everywhere the handsome heartthrob went, swarms of females swooned in his wake. On July 13, a little over a month before the 36th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley, Elvis the nine-year-old Savannah cat lost his fight with an aggressive cancer of the sinus cavity.

Like his unfortunate namesake, The King (of Cats) was single at the time of his is death (according to his Facebook page). But as we all know, Facebook profiles don’t share the entire story.

Elvis left behind a loving cat mom, Sue Bowden of Duchess County, N.Y, and a 17-year old brother, Sparky. Elvis moved in with Sue, prenamed, when he was eight months old. They’ve been a happy family ever since.

Elvis’ handsome visage often appeared at cat shows, in magazine ads and on fashion catwalks. During one of his personal appearances, he captured the eye and heart of Matilda, a pedigreed Ragdoll and the gracious feline hostess of the historic Algonquin Hotel in New York. Matilda developed a “thing” for Elvis, and it was known that he was fond of her as well. Elvis began appearing regularly at Matilda’s annual birthday celebrations.

The zenith of the soires was a feline version of New York’s famed Fashion Week. The Meow Wear Cat Fashion Show spotlighted the sensational creations of Westchester Feline Club.

Decked out in Elvis Presley-inspired apparel, the Savannah shook up the babes, hounded the dogs and meowed his burning love. The formal affair helped raise money for North Shore Animal League. Some years, the young handsome Elvis, clad in a black leather jacket, provided a little feline eye candy. At other events he appeared as the more mature King in a white jumpsuit.

Elvis 2
Feline Elvis aged better than his human namesake. Here he dons his mature Elvis look without all the bulges. Photo by Sue Bowden.

I had several opportunities to hang with The King. When the Cat Writers’ Association held our conference in Westchester, NY, I enjoyed the honor of not only meeting Elvis, but also feeding him turkey. I was awed by this massive cat and his sweet nature. I know “Gentle Giant” is a term used to describe Maine Coons, but Elvis truly was a gentle giant and an admired ambassador for Savannah cats. Elvis was a third generation Savannah, a breed created by crossing an African Serval with a domestic cat.

As if saying goodbye to Elvis wasn’t enough for Sue Bowden to endure, less than 24 hours after his passing, Elvis’ 17-year-old feline brother Sparky also died. The world has lost a very special cat (two really) and Sue has lost two wonderful companions. I know she would appreciate a kind note of condolence. She needs our love and support. It’s safe to say Sue will be lonesome tonight.

Sue wants her cats to be remembered for helping homeless cats through their fundraising. That memory will remain. But the most enduring image will be that of sexy young Elvis flashing The Look at the ladies in the audience. He was a cool cat.

Goodbye Elvis. We will “Forget You Never.”


Elvis 2
Feline Elvis aged better than his human namesake. Here he dons his mature Elvis look without all the bulges. Photo by Sue Bowden.