My Friends of Faith, I have received new requests for these pets needing prayers–their people too. Please join in and share.
11/06/2015 Rebecca asks, “Please pray for my horse. I’ve only had her for a month and we were not aware of her severe kidney condition when we bought her. In only a short time she has captured our hearts and now we must let her go. I pray that she will go peacefully and we will not be forced to end her suffering. I know it is selfish but I just don’t know if I can do it. My heart is breaking.”
11/12/2015 Joanne asks, “Please pray for my very sick little Chihuahua, Mimi. She is only 4 and in her so few years has seen so much pain. She was born in captivity to a rescue mom and was the runt of the litter left behind and not adopted until we were graced to meet her by chance. We adopted her immediately and fought through her early health issues only now to have her struggling to survive an auto immune platelet disease that she is fighting so hard to beat. She is so friendly and dedicated to our little family that staying away in the hospital for her is as bad as the illness. She is lost and despondent and so are we. I am hoping that prayers from all loving souls will help. Please hold her in your hearts and prayers.”