Tag Archives: Lorie Huston’s cats

Mission Accomplished: Lorie’s Kitties are Rehomed

lorie beautiful bestFriends, Cat Lovers, Countrymen,

Lend me you ear. I know politicians have a bad habit of saying “mission accomplished” before the job is really finished, but I believe I can say that, mostly.

With the exception of Lilly, all of Lorie’s babies are in their new forever homes. Cross-country transport would be too traumatic on the little white three-legged cat, so she’s staying at Lorie’s clinic (Hoffman Animal Hospital) until a new family is found. Lilly must go to a quiet local with no dogs, small kids, or aggressive cats. Tia, the receptionist at the clinic is carefully screening adoption applications.

Thank you to everyone for their financial contributions, for opening your homes to these little orphans and for spreading the word.



Rhette at his new home2
Rhette went to live with Dolly the Doxie.












Dillion found his way to Kentucky to live with Rachel Phelps where he now tests cat products and models.









Midge & Merlin
Merlin & Midge have been adopted together by one of Lorie’s neighbors.
Rusty was adopted by one of Lorie’s clients.









Thank you to;

  • Tia-Elise, Kelly Brady-Famiglietti and Mary Pepin for their boots-on-the-ground work. They cared for the kitties and transported them as necessary, until homes were found.
  • Incoming CWA President Marci Kladnik for arranging transportation.
  • BlogPaws’ Chloe DiVita for raising money to pay for vet care and transport and Pets360.com for offering cat food.
  • The BlogPaws community, Susan Gingrich, Diane Stuckart and Allia Zobel Nolan for your monetary donations.The funds allowed us to ship cats, buy food and litter, pay for shipping and diagnostic tests. After all the volunteers have been reimbursed for their expenses, I will send the remaining funds to Lorie’s brother, Tim. Lorie has an enormous outstanding hospital bill and the money will help at least a little.

Despite this shocking and devastating loss, I am glad that the animal blogging community, Lorie’s friends, family, clients, employees and the Cat Writers’ Association came together to save her kitties. Lorie would be pleased.

Left Behind: Help Rehome Dr. Lorie Huston’s Kitties

loriehustonprofile-1333478613My friend and Cat Writers’ Association President Dr. Lorie Huston passed away yesterday after a lifelong struggle with liver disease. Lorie had six rescued kitties whom she dearly loved. They are living in Providence, RI. The family has asked that homes be found for Lorie’s babies. As you might expect, they are all fixed, current on their vaccinations, and negative for diseases. Some or all are declawed. The kitties are all rescues, not closely bonded and do not necessarily need to be placed together. They are special needs, of course, because that’s how Lorie rolled. Read details below.

Lorie’s vet clinic does not have the room to board the kitties. The clinic’s receptionist is trying to help, but is recovering from a serious dog attack and has transportation limitations so it is very difficult for her to check on them. We are looking for forever homes, foster homes, no kill shelters, people to transport and possibly even donations to pay for transportation or boarding.

BTW–Pet Assure veterinary discount plans has offered three free months to anyone who adopts one of Lorie’s babies.

If you’re interested in adopting or fostering any of Lorie’s kitties or helping out in any way, please fill out the form below.


Lorie’s cats



Lilly is Lorie’s 11 year old and a tripod. When Lilly was just an 8 week old kitten she lost her leg, part of her tail, and several toes after a dog attack. Rather than euthanizing the homeless brown tabby, Lorie performed the necessary surgery to save her life, then adopted her. Lorie said Lilly is laid-back and very sweet. She’s a happy, healthy, older lady who doesn’t even realize she’s one leg short of a full set. She cannot go into a home with dogs. She is spayed and FeLV/FIV/HW negative.








Midge is about 6 years old, spayed, declawed and FeLV/FIV negative. Midge came from a litter of orphaned kittens, hand-raised by a friend. Lorie had room for one more cat and Midge joined her family. She is a shy girl and would do well by herself, as the other cats pick on her. CORRECTION: Midge is friendly. Lorie always fed her separately, and watched to make sure the others left her alone. Lorie said Midge is standoffish with the other cats but loves people.









Rusty was left at Lorie’s clinic by an animal control officer. The poor kitty was extremely ill with a respiratory infection and was treated at the hospital. After he recovered, he would always find his way into Lorie’s exam room and hang out in her sink. Lorie couldn’t resist him. Rusty, who’s between 4 and 6 years old, is a personal favorite of clinic staff. Lorie said Rusty is shy at first and easily frightened, but very sweet. He’s declawed, neutered, and negative for FeLV/FIV/HW.




Dillon, who is between 4 and 6 years old was left in a cardboard box on the clinic’s doorstep. He immediately began rubbing all over Lorie. It was love at first sight. She adopted him the next day after being neutered and tested for FeLV/FIV. Lorie said Dillon is curious about everything and seeks attention from anyone.







Rhette is a 6 to 8 year old neutered and declawed boy who was left in a carrier in the hospital parking lot. After being examined and found to be healthy, he joined Lorie’s growing family as well. Lorie said he is demanding and very vocal. He thinks he’s the boss. He can be a bully. He’s confused and a little nervous in Lorie’s absence, but friendly.





Merlin-FBMerlin, now 6 to 8 years old, is neutered and declawed. He was living unsuccessfully as stray cat near the hospital. He was determined to become a member of the staff. When someone opened the door, he strolled right in and made himself comfortable. He’s a funny cat who always made Lorie laugh because he likes to throw his whole body over his food bowl. He’s mellow and minds his business, and does his own thing. Lorie said Merlin seeks attention but is less confident than Dillon.

Please fill out form to adopt or foster a kitty