Tag Archives: heartworm associated respiratory disease

World Mosquito Day

mosquitoes sign copyrightHeartworms in cats are much more common vets once believed. Since they come from mosquitoes, take this day to talk to your vet heartworm preventive for your cats.

Here’s a quick quiz: What is the most deadly creature in the world?

You might think it’s a cobra, hippo, lion, elephant or great white shark, but all of these animals put together don’t begin to make a dent in the mosquitoes body count. Accounting to the World Health Organization mosquitoes are responsible for one million human deaths every year. Most of these fatalities are due to malaria. They also carry heartworms, West Nile and a plethora of other diseases.

Check your yard for standing water and keep your cat and your dog on monthly heartworm preventative.

mosquito3You can learn more about feline Heartworm Associated Respiratory Disease at Know Heartworms.