Tag Archives: Dana Bell

December 2 is Science Fiction Day

star_field_mainThank you to my favorite science fiction  visionaries  for taking me to strange new worlds, especially: Douglas Adams, Gene Roddenberry, H.G. Wells, C.S. Lewis, Bob Aspirin, Neil Gaiman, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Kurt Vonnegut, Mary Shelley, Arthur C. Clarke, Anne McCaffrey, Jules Verne, Terry Pratchett, Fritz Lang, Michael Creighton and George Lucas.

All the MarblesCoverBut remember, the best science fiction stories have cats in them. Check out All The Marbles (Yard Dog Press), a humorous science fiction by me, Dusty Rainbolt! Science fiction with an attitude.





MysticalCatYou can also read my short fiction anthology, that includes my short fiction:  “One Spoiled Rotten Cat Lives Here”. It and many other wonderful science fiction cat stories appear in the ebook, The Mystical Cat:An Anthology of All Things Feline (Sky Warrior Book Publishing). Mystical Cat also includes the Muse Medallion-winning story, “A Cat Out of Time” by Bev Freed and “Keeping the Tradition” by Dana Bell.