Tag Archives: cat safety

Keep Your Cat Safe on Independence Day

July 4 art
July 4th is a scarey time for pets. Keep your cat safe by following these simple suggestions.


What’s not to love about the Fourth of July? Patriotic parades, grilling hotdogs on the barbecue, spending time with friends and of course, fireworks. But to our pets, the holiday may seem more like the upcoming science fiction movie, Independence Day, where humans once againface the end of the world. It’s up to you to keep your cat safe on Independence Day and out of claws of hostile aliens.

With all the chaos occurring over the holiday weekend, it shouldn’t be surprising that more pets disappear over the July 4th weekend than any other time of year, even Halloween. Loud noises from fireworks may sound like thunder or an explosion to terrified pets—so frightening they bolt from the yard to escape the perceived threat. According to the American Animal Hospital Association, July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters. Animal shelters across the country actually report a 30 percent increase in lost pets reported between July 4 and July 6. Sadly, only 14 percent of those pets ever return to their families.

In addition to explosions and party chaos, wandering pets can fall prey to malicious lowlife. Eight years ago, Zeki, a kitten from Dallas, almost became one of those tragic statistics. Abandoned when her family moved away, she was captured on July 4th by some wacko and mutilated with a hunting knife. Zeki survived and was rescued and eventually found a loving home, but many panicked pets fleeing the flashes and kabooms disappear without a trace.

4th of July Safety Tips Infographic courtesy of the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP)

Regardless of your Independence Day plans, keep your pets safe and happy by taking seven simple precautions:

*Make sure pets wear ID, even indoor pets. However, collars and tags can become lost. In addition to name tags, microchip your cat and keep your contact information current with the microchip registry. In the event your cat and his tags go AWOL, a microchip will give him his last best hope of returning home.
*Before the weekend arrives, bring your outside cats inside so they can’t run away in a panic.
* During parties and firework displays, put cats in a calm a bathroom or other escape-proof room. A frightened cat allowed to wander the house may dart out of the door to escape the pandemonium. Set out food and water bowls, litter box and favorite toys. Put a “Do Not Enter” sign on the door to prevent guests from accidentally releasing the kraken (kitty.) Keep pets inside the entire weekend just to be safe.
*Use pheromone products that mimic the cat’s own friendly pheromones. Synthetic pheromones such as Comfort Zone® with Feliway®, Comfort Zone® with Feliway® Multicat, and Sentry Calming Spray for Cats and the Sentry Calming Collar may help your cat cope more effectively with loud noises, house guests and other stressful situations.
* Play soothing music, white noise or cat videos to mask the sound of fireworks. Even better, offer music specifically composed or arranged to calm kitties such as Music For Cats or Through a Cat’s Ear. Start the sound therapy before the guests arrive or the fireworks start.
*Calming vests. Swaddling apparel such as a Thundershirt or CalmCat shirt may reduce anxiety in cats.
*Take action immediately if your cat goes missing. As soon as you realize your cat can’t be found, contact your local animal control facility and your cat’s microchip registry. Put up lost cat flyers. Always visit the animal shelter and eyeball all the cats. The person taking your report may not make the connection between your cat and your description of your cat.

National Pet Fire Safety Day

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Courtesy of www.icanhascheezburger.com

Today is July 15, National Pet Fire Safety Day.

Many years ago I was spending Christmas day at my Aunt Beverly’s home. Beverly was a first-time cat owner and, as often happens to compassionate people, Puddy had recently wandered up to her home and moved in. The Russian Blue wannabe worked the crowd as Bev passed loaded plates to the dining room through a convenient service window. Faux fir boughs and a votive candle adorned the window ledge.

Assuming a supervisory position, Puddy lept up on the ledge and paused over the candle. Everyone in the room noticed the kitty straddling the flame. A chorus of, “Oh no!” and “Move Puddy” filled the air. With all the screaming and panic, Puddy didn’t move a whisker. Before anyone could grab him, his pewter fur began smoldering. More human hysteria, more freezing. Well-intentioned rescuers reached him; and chased the terrified cat around the house.

Fortunately, only his fur and his pride were singed. It could have been much worse: Puddy could have died a horrible death and the house could have caught fire.

That night I went home and threw out all of my candles. That Christmas day I learned: if pets can get into trouble, they will, a fact backed up by National Fire Protection Association statistics. The organization estimates that 1,000 house fires are started annually by pets.

Since today is National Pet Fire Safety Day, I thought I’d share some suggestions for keeping your

pets safe in the event of a fire.

Be prepared and include your pets in your family fire evacuation plan.

When you hold family fire drills (and if you don’t, you should) or practice escape routes, do it with your pets. Keep leashes and carriers in a handy place. (Don’t try to carry your dog or cat in your arms. A panicky pet could injure you or wiggle out of your gasp and become lost.)

  • Place a Pet Alert sticker on a front window or door and keep the information current. Update it whenever you get a new pet or say goodbye to a companion.
  • Use flameless candles. (Remember Puddy.)
  • Don’t leave your pets unattended around an open flames. Extinguish candles, stoves and fireplaces before leaving home.
  • Pet proof your home. Can the puppy or kitten chew computer wires? If you have cats, consider fire hazards in 3-D.
  • Keep young pets confined when you are away from home.
  • Get a stove knob shield or remove the knobs when you aren’t around. (You can get the stove guards in the baby section of any store including Lowes.) This is where most pet-associated fires begin.

June is Skyscraper Month

Highrise1High-rise Syndrome is a collection of injuries sustained by cats falling from higher than two stories, often from windows in high rise apartments. Most of these kitties accidentally fall from high-rise apartment windows, terraces or fire escapes. Not surprisingly, high-rise syndrome usually occurs in urban settings. Unscreened windows or windows with damaged screens are most frequently at fault. Amazingly, many of these cats survive.

You can protect your cats (and kids) by:

  • Checking your screens and regularly. If they’re not snug and secure, replace them.
  • Don’t expect childproof window guards to protect your cat. Most kitties can slip right past them.
  • Close your windows before you leave home.