Tag Archives: cat diet

Shady Celebrates Shark Week with Slimmer Waisteline #HillsPet

shady shark©
When she came to us, Shady had the appetite of a great white and a waistline to match.

Shady came to me in early April after her family surrendered her. The woman’s other cats bullied Shady so mercilessly on a few occasions she actually needed veterinary treatment.

When I first laid eyes on her, I saw she was tremendous. Not in terms of intensity or excitement but sheer mass. Poor thing was so obese she couldn’t defend herself against the other cats; she was as helpless as a beached whale. At the time Shady tipped the scales just over 19 pounds, a huge gelatinous blob of fat. If that black cat had white chest markings she’d have resembled a great white shark with an appetite to match.

A kitty with her frame should weigh 11 pounds tops; she was carrying around the equivalent of an adult cat. It didn’t take a pet psychic to see there was a cat weight loss program in her future.

_Shady eating IMG_7547_2
Shady feasts on canned Feline Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution.

I don’t have to tell you, when my veterinarian saw her, she gave me the “overweight cats” lecture. If she kept on her present course her future wouldn’t be a healthy one.

Despite loving people, Shady preferred spending time in the guest room away from our other kitties. When she wanted to hang out, she would simply stand on the floor and stare at us. She wouldn’t jump up on the furniture; we had to pick her up. She had no interest in toys or games. All she wanted from us was snuggles. Hopefully, if she could shed the excess pounds, she could play like other four year old cats.

But how to do that? I worried that the combined stress of losing her family and changing or restricting her food might cause her to stop eating altogether. Then we’d have a whole new set of problems. Shortly after she came to live with us, I was invited to participate in the Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution blogger outreach program. Sign us up.

I have to admit I was skeptical. Shady weighed an impressive 18.2 pounds with a 21¼” bust when started her weight loss for cats program around July 1. I fully expected her to sniff the Metabolic dry food bowl and walk away, but she didn’t. Instead Shady planted her enormous derriere on the floor and began to dine. Really? Equally as important as Shady’s acceptance was getting my husband on board. In the past, when kitties turned their noses up at special diets, he took pity on them and helped them cheat. This time, because of Shady’s enthusiasm, both Shady and Weems stuck to the program.

Since Shady prefers canned food, we give her a tablespoon of the Metabolic wet food throughout the day, which she eats enthusiastically. She now jumps on the couch and stares at us to let us know when she’s hungry. I’m sure she’s sending mental messages like, “I’m starving. I haven’t eaten in three hours.” She also has a measured bowl of Metabolic dry food to snack between meals.

The Metabolic diet program even includes treats because we kitty parents still want to spoil our babies. Once again I expected her to leave the treats on the floor, but certainly scarfed the up and looked in anticipation of more. Her enthusiastic response to the Metabolic food and treats completely caught me off guard. This diet really was doable.

A little more than 5 weeks later, Shady is down to 16.6 pounds, a loss of 1.6 pounds. It’s hard to see her progress in the photos because she’s still a big black blob and she has a belly apron hanging down, but Shady has lost 2½” around her chest. (I wish Hill’s made a similar diet for people.)

_Shady IMG_7560_2She still doesn’t play, but she now leaps to the couch when she wants dinner or attention. One small jump for a cat, a giant leap for a waistline. She’s more interested in spending time with Weems and me in the living room where our other cats hang out and our tuxedo ChanChan frequently sneaks into Shady’s guest room. I find them lounging on opposite sides of the bed. Is Shady more comfortable because she’s less vulnerable or because she’s learned our guys aren’t a threat? I can’t read her mind. But there’s no question our little wallflower is more outgoing.

Shady still has a journey in her mass minimization quest, but I’m excited to witness her progress. It will be many months before she’s down to a healthy weight. She’s such a sweet gentle girl. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, Shady and I are going to enjoy Shark Week together.

Shady the Fat Cat Goes on a Diet #HillsPet #giveaway

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Shady is a sweet girl with a BIG problem.

Four years ago Animal Allies of Texas (AAT) adopted out a feisty black girl kitten named Shadow. Adoption counselors did all the usual background checks and thought the lady would be a responsible adopter. A couple of months ago we got a call from the woman wanting to return Shady. The woman had violated the contract and declawed the kitty, and now her two male cats were picking on her, so of course, she had to give up the nice defenseless cat.

Since AAT suffers from a chronic lack of foster homes, I agreed to take Shady for a “couple of weeks”. No big deal.

When I met Shady, it was a way bigger deal than I thought. I felt like Sheriff Brody in the movie, Jaws. “We’re going to need a bigger carrier.” Shady looked like a Great White, except she was all black. Poor kitty tipped the scale at almost 20 pounds. There was enough fat on that cat to build two tabbies.

__Shady 041 wide loadApparently, like many of cat lovers, what the woman couldn’t give Shady in attention, she made up for in food. After all, humans equate food with love, and we certainly don’t want to skimp on love, do we? Shady’s woman had almost loved her to death.

Shady the Great Black certainly isn’t alone. According to the CDC, 69% of human adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Pets aren’t far behind. The Banfield Pet Hospital State of Pet Health 2012, in the US, 53% of dogs and 55% of cats are now overweight or obese. Over the last five years the number of overweight or obese cats has increased by a heartbreaking 90%.

Shady and I eyed each other. Who in their right mind would adopt a black cat big enough to have her own personal zip code? Where do we go from here? First step, the vet’s office where I heard “the weight lecture.”

The sad truth is, most pet parents don’t even realize they have obese or overweight cats. I confess I have a couple of plumpies myself. I do worry about the extra girth affecting their health. I’ve tried to help them lose weight and failed. Controlling portions or withholding treats is tough. No one wants to feel like they’re starving their cat– even when it’s to help them stay healthy. And who can resist those big green eyes? But I digress…

hill's great white shadyShady is such a sweet girl. Despite her reputation as a victim, she gets along with our resident kitties and even the dog. The vet said she needed exercise, so I tried using the Rainbolt Test Kitties’ favorite feather toy to get her blood pumping. She stared at me as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears. “Does this body look it should be exercising?” Shady refused to extend so much as a claw. There goes the vet’s exercise program. She reminds me of the cat in the
One Big Kitty video.

So what’s the trick behind this cat weight loss thing?
Since Shady’s not going to be burning calories except to convert oxygen to carbon dioxide, I had to come up with Plan B. Diet, oh no! A friend of mine mentioned that Hill’s was conducting a special program for overweight cats.

Hills feeding catHill’s says you can transform your pet’s weight simply by changing what you feed, not how you feed. Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution . is clinically proven nutrition that naturally activates metabolism to burn fat and regulate appetite. They say pets feel full and satisfied and still lose weight. (Cool. Do they make a taco-flavored formula for humans?) They tell me the diet is safe, effective and fast, and I’ll see a leaner, more playful Shady in just 60 days. Alright Hill’s, you’re on.

How is Metabolic Different?
The program includes dry and canned food and even treats designed to work together. Yea, I still get to give her treats. Since I’m not cutting back on her portions, I’m more likely to stay on the program and be compliant with my vet’s recommendation.

On what do they based these claims?
314 pet parents just like you and me participated in an at-home feeding study using Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution. Without strict protocols or precise measuring, 88% of pets lost weight within two months at home. 8 out of 10 pet parents said they’d recommend the program to a friend with an overweight pet. Hill’s even offers a 100% great taste guarantee.

hill's cat kitCat and Dog Giveaway Information & Instructions
But why should Shady and I have all the fun? Do you have a Great White of your own? Hill’s has offered ALL of my readers a free Feline Metabolic Starter Kit (a $70 value). Each kit contains:

• 1 Weight Loss Success Tote Bag
• 1 Weight Loss Success Guide
• 1 4lb bag of Metabolic dry cat food
• 2 (5.5oz) Metabolic cans
• 1 (2.5oz) Metabolic treats
• (2) $25 coupons

To receive a free Feline Metabolic Starter Kit fill out the form completely including your vet’s contact information. There’s also a kit canine kit, if you have a pudgy pooch. You don’t have to pay for a vet visit. Hill’s just needs to get your vet’s authorization to send the product.

__Shady 033I’ll be receiving my kit in a few days and will keep you posted about Shady’s Metabolic Adventure.

It’s full disclosure time. This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution, but as you know, Dusty Rainbolt’s Universe only shares information I feel will benefit my readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.