Pets Needing Prayers

cat horse prayer

The pets below need your prayers. Please take a moment and ask for intercession on their behalf. Do you have a pet that needs help? Contact me in the comments below.


On 11/12/2015 Rebecca asks, “Please pray for my horse. I’ve only had her for a month and we were not aware of her severe kidney condition when we bought her. In only a short time she has captured our hearts and now we must let her go. I pray that she will go peacefully and we will not be forced to end her suffering. I know it is selfish but I just don’t know if I can do it. My heart is breaking.”

On 11/05/2015 Joanne asks, “Please pray for my very sick little Chihuahua, Mimi. She is only 4 and in her so few years has seen so much pain. She was born in captivity to a rescue mom and was the runt of the litter left behind and not adopted until we were graced to meet her by chance. We adopted her immediately and fought through her early health issues only now to have her struggling to survive an auto immune platelet disease that she is fighting so hard to beat. She is so friendly and dedicated to our little family that staying away in the hospital for her is as bad as the illness. She is lost and despondent and so are we. I am hoping that prayers from all loving souls will help. Please hold her in your hearts and prayers.”

On 10/28/2015 Martin and Sarah asked, “Please pray for my loves most trusted pure love Tiger Kitty Flufferson. At the vet they found a tumor and we are requesting your prayers in healing her knowing the purity of love and the strength of our God. Get well. TKF”


On 10/23/2015 Cynthia asked, “Please pray for my beloved companion who is old and frail. My dog means the world to me and I don’t have the heart to put her down. I am afraid that she will suffer if I put her down with medicine. I was with her today and she is on her last breathes…I hate seeing her like this. Maybe I am selfish but I just can’t put her down. Please pray that God take her swiftly and end her suffering.”


Tang prayers for pets_found
09-02-2015 Please pray that our little golden boy Tang returns home to his brother and mother and the rest of us safely. He is just two months and not even fully weaned. I’m so afraid for him. We were planning on getting Tang and his brother Ting adopted. I already found a couple of possible homes. I am so worried for this fellow. I’ve looked all over and have requested neighbours to keep a look out too. I’m praying like crazy, Thank you for your prayers. Please pray he is safe not too scared and only meets good. And that he returns. Thank you for this. Gynelle.Tang prayers for pets



Tiger prayers for pets
Please pray for the return of my beloved cat Tiger. I last saw him this Tuesday when I went to feed him. I try to keep in the house with my many other rescues, but he just loves to be outdoors. I feel so guilty and we all miss him so much. Thank you. Gretchen. 08-29-2015


If you know of a pet in need, please use the Comment Form below. Include the owner’s name, pet’s name, species, description and the pet’s issue (illness, owner died, behavior problem, etc.). Homeless or rescued pets are welcome, but please don’t use this as an adoption listing. When the pet’s issue has been resolved one way or another, let me know and I will list it under The Rest of the Story. If you post a prayer request, take a moment to pray for the other pets and their owners. Feel free to share Prayers for Pets with others.

Gabriel IMG_2215 copyrightGabriel-6 September 2013

Gabriel came to us as a two week old bottle baby with respiratory problems. He and the rest of the abandoned litter were found nesting surrounded by fiberglass insulation. It\’s unknown whether Gabriel inhaled fiberglass or aspirated milk when his previous foster mom had tried to feed him. But he has developed chronic bronchial problems that have made breathing difficult in the last few weeks. We almost lost him twice. Thank goodness we have an oxygen machine. Please keep this sweet little guy in your prayers.






Stubbs struggles to recover at the veterinary clinic.
Stubbs struggles to recover at the veterinary clinic.

Mayor Stubbs- 6 September 2013

Mayor Stubbs, mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, struggles to live after suffering an attack by a large mixed-breed dog in front of his office at Nagley’s General Store. The 17-year old town official suffered multiple life-threatening injuries in the attack  including a punctured lung, fracture sternum and a five-inch gash to his side. While the Mayor is still hospitalized a week later and is still confined to a oxygen box, he’s at least breathing on his own and his chest tube has been removed. Stubbs has run up $2000 in veterinary bills. If you can, please consider contributing to a special fund to help pay these mounting expenses. (Update pending)

Read Dusty’s past blog about Mayor Stubbs and other political cats. Please keep Mayor Stubbs in your prayers.




Taffy-30 Jul 2013

Author Lexiann is very worried about her beautiful kitty, Taffy. Lexiann says, “Six to seven weeks ago she suddenly became very lethargic (she is usually quite playful and happy), with mild diarrhea, inappetence and vomiting.With treatment there was improvement, but now she has relapsed.

Please keep Taffy and Lexiann in your prayers.


32 thoughts on “Pets Needing Prayers”

  1. Please pray for my cat , his official name is Smokey Bear but I always call him Kittlely or Kitty ,my father called his cat Kittely too. He was brought to the house shortly after my Father passed on. When my Mother saw him she thought he looked like a little bear. My Mother passed away shortly after my Father. 2013 and 2014 were very bad years , my Fathers cat, Frazier was the first to depart. My kitty has been a great companion through the losses. We’ve been together only a couple of years I think he was elderly when he arrived. He has thyroid and kidney problems which he’s being treated for. He’s a grey longer haired cat he had much of his hair cut due to a lot of knotting from lack of grooming. My major concern is a large malignant tumor on one of his hind legs. His health and age make surgery too much of a risk. My prayer request is to heal his tumor, he’s a very special cat and my friend. Thank you and God Bless.

  2. Toby is my roommate’s dog. Toby’s dew claw seemed like it was better yesterday…I either missed the redness or it really wasn’t as red as today. Today when I was changing his bandage it really hurt and when I looked at it it was red around the area. I have been givng him a pain killer that really works and so he is resting comfortably. he doesn’t show signs of being in pain, but I feel so bad that his paw is injured.
    Tomorrow they will be taking him to the vet. Please pray for healing for him and pray for me. I feel so bad because if it was red and I didn’t see it yesterday then I missed being able to take him to the vet yesterday. It really hurts my heart to see any dog having physical issues.

  3. Every summer my cat has a tendency to lose weight. She appears to be thinner although she is eating and is alert. Please pray for whatever is going on in Siddha’s body that she is healed. Thank you for your prayer support.

  4. Please pray for the safe return of my dogs Jesse and Tyson. They ran off and I am so worried about them. Please help get them home safe.

  5. My friend’s two (Shitzu) dogs Billy and Cupcake got our of the backyard yesterday and have not been seen since, their owner has plastered their picture all over Facebook and around town, but still not one sighting. Please send prayers that they find their way back home safely,

  6. My cat has a bladder issue. Surgery is scheduled for Monday to see what’s causing blockage. Could be stones or tumor. I pray they can help him, as this could be life threatening & end his life. He’s only 11 so not that old. Please pray he’s going to make it through this. My Mom just passed in February, I can’t bear to loose another close to me. Thank you!

  7. i ask everyone to come togther and pray for my horse. Pray to the lord to heal her wounds.My horse is very special, she gives young children wings. She holds steady and makes sure whoever is on her back is safe. She teaches Love, trust, and friendship. Shes as gental as mothers arms. Her trust for other horses has left her. She only trusts her humans. She kicked at a horse beside her and severly hurt her leg. Shes in pain but still tries to please. Her bruised leg has opened to relieve pressure and it became infected. I am with her daily to tend to her, give her antibiotics and wrap her leg but the leg is still draining and she tells me it hurts. Please pray for her. Heal her in jesus name. Let her come back to health to show humans what she teaches. love, compassion, loyalty, and trust. Please pray for a fast recovery. amen

  8. My friends dog, Winston, has been diagnosed with Pancreatitis😥

    He is a very sweet boy who is super smart and so loving to everyone he meets him! Winston was a rescue dog. He spent a long time inside a cage at the shelter, and as soon as they put him on the urgent list, Robin and her husband (both volunteers at the shelter) decided to add him to their pack in their home. He has been doing great for a while now….it’s been about a year that he has been their beloved pet.

    About a week ago, Winston started to mope around the house and seemed fatigued. They took him to the vet and he was misdiagnosed with worms. He got worse… now vomiting and not eating his food, not even walking anymore, just laying around. So they took him to a different vet and ther found the Pancreatitis. He was hospitalized for a few days, then he came home and now needs to take a lot of medicine, including insolin shots to help with his other newfound illness. Diabetes!

    PLEASE send your prayers up for Winston and his family ❤️

  9. My German Shepherd ‘Klaus’ has an autoimmune disease that is attacking his own body. He has been on medication for 11 months and just suffered a major setback. His veterinarian consulted with Purdue University and Louisville Veterinary School trying to find a cure. I realize that he needs a miracle healing to save him. I believe in the power of prayer, faith and miracles. I’m desperate and begging anyone who would be so kind, to say a healing prayer for my baby Klaus. Bless you, Donna Wells

  10. My heart is breaking, and I am having year-round nightmares about the
    June 21 ten-day annual Yulin, China brutal torture and massacre of thousands of innocent and defenseless dogs and cats. Please join me
    in my prayers for the animals there awaiting torture and slaughter, and
    for the end of this “hell” for God’s precious creatures.

  11. Please pray for my furbaby pardner, she has kidney disease, My mother died in April & I cannot lose this baby now. Please heal her.

  12. I was told yesterday by my vet that my ‘little man’ Scooter is in kidney failure. She said there really wasn’t anything they could do, that we were to keep him comfortable. I don’t know if she was trying to spare us additional pain but she said he could live maybe a year or two. Please pray for my kitty Scooter. He is only 5 years old and is the sweetest, most lovable little guy. I can’t go through this again. I lost my precious soulmate Zipee a year ago, along with his brother Keith within two weeks of each other. I just lost my dad 6 weeks ago. Please, please pray that a miracle can happen for Scooter…please.

  13. Please pray for my mom’s dog Bella Marie she’s been with us for about seven years now she had five puppies and we have all of them so they’re all a part of our family she was abused her whole life she was always kicked someone’s foot in the bathroom and hit across the bathroom tile wall until my mom got her but when my mom got her she was having seizures so my mom got medication for her and use CBD oil and it was working for a long time until tonight she’s been having continuous seizures and it can cause her to die due to her overheating please pray for her my mom’s already lost two of my brothers that are in prison for a long periods of time that’s all she has is her dog’s name is sister she needs to keep her dog thank you

  14. Hi, 
I have been reading your blog for quite a while now. A silent visitor if I must say. I started a new cat blog just a few months ago (inspired by you and a few other cat bloggers)
I have been adding quite a lot of content on the blog but don’t see any visitors yet. Seems like nobody is interested in the content I write. haha
I Recently created a cool infographic for the blog post titled “27 Human Foods Cats Can (& can’t) Eat”
Please Take a look here:
I will be honored if you shared my work on your site. I can write you a unique intro to go along with it as well if you require. 
Either way, keep up the awesome work!
Thanks! 🙂

  15. Please pray for my cat Johnny, the Dr said we may have to do a biospy under his tongue if it has not healed, his revisit is July 16, I am so scared. I just lost my Mom, I cannot lose my fur baby.

  16. Please pray for my 11 yr old cat named MAGOO! He has pancreatitis & stage 2 kidney disease! Let the universe pray for him as well!!

  17. Please help me pray for my cat. His name is Fat Cat, he is very sick. He is almost 4 years old and he is loving creature, and we love him very much. In advance, thank you for your prayers.

  18. Please pray for my dog/ my emotional support therapy dog to be safe and get returned back to me where he belongs and where I know hes actually safe and he can have his medication.

  19. Please pray for my cat in labored breathing and losing weight that she doesn’t go into cardiac arrest or die on the table at vet er clinic. Her name is Bella. Pray that she can be restored to health and can bring her home alive to manage whatever this is.

  20. Please pray for ginger white cat Princis |Puks and striped white cat Fricis, their owners died and the house is closed.. Please pray that a good woman Monika receives several calls and a message with an offer of help and a home for the poor pets, because in the winter they may die in a cold shed. Pray, the prayer is spreadin and animal charities to be involved.. Thank you

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