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Dusty Rainbolt
Lewisville, TX-August 20, 2022 – Stupid Gravity Press, LLC is proud to announce the upcoming release of Ghost Cats 2: More Afterlife Encounters with Feline Spirits just in time for Halloween.
Cats are notorious for not being able to make up their minds. And the phantom felines in Ghost Cats 2 prove that, whether they have a heartbeat or not, cats are always on the wrong side of every door—even the Pearly Gates. Award-winning journalist Dusty Rainbolt has assembled this second volume of previously unpublished eyewitness accounts that provide haunting yet entertaining hints about our pets’ afterlife destiny—as well as our own. Rainbolt’s collection of things-that-head-bump-in-the-night will have you laughing and crying. You’ll feel comfort and reassurance, as well as the occasional chill creeping up your spine.
Readers will enjoy chapters on:
- GUARDIAN ANGELS who stand as dedicated protectors of their chosen humans
- FELINE HARBINGERS warning of impending tragedy
- Joyful but often brief appearances in FAMILY REUNIONS
- MANY HAPPY RETURNS that highlights reincarnation homecomings
- And mystified homeowners scratching their heads because, that’s NOT MY GHOST CAT
According to her answering machine, veteran journalist, Dusty Rainbolt, is an award-winning cat behavior author, veterinary journalist, feline behavior consultant and Fear Free Certified® Professional. She has authored thousands of articles and columns, and 14 nonfiction books and novels including the widely acclaimed Kittens for Dummies. She’s a past president of the Cat Writers’ Association, three-time recipient of the Friskies Writer of the Year, and two-time recipient of the prestigious Cornell Feline Health Center Veterinary Issues Award. Her books, columns and articles have been honored with more than 65 writing awards. In 2008 Rainbolt’s first volume Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits received the coveted Muse Medallion for Excellence from the Cat Writers’ Association. The Muse is the prestigious organization’s version of the Pulitzer Prize.
Ghost Cats 2 is the perfect read (or gift) for anyone who loves cats or struggles with the death of a pet, and for anyone who wants to curl up with tales of transcendental tabbies to get in the mood for Halloween. Order copies of this family-friendly book for yourself or friends and family who have had to say goodbye to their furry friend.
Ghost Cats 2: More Afterlife Encounters with Feline Spirits will be available in both trade paperback and eBook from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble and other outlets and boutiques on September 1, 2022. Hardcover will be released October 1.
Title: Ghost Cats 2: More Afterlife Encounters with Feline Spirits
Author: Dusty Rainbolt
Imprint: Stupid Gravity Press, LLC
Trade paperback 978-1-946086-08-2, e-book 978-1-946086-07-5, hardcover 978-1-946086-09-9
169 pages
Release dates: E-book/Kindle and trade paperback available September 1, 2022; Kindle available for presale August 1. Hardcover goes on sale October 1.
Suggested retail price: Paperback $14.99 / eBook $6.99 / Hardcover $24.99
Available: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other major book distributors
Publisher website: StupidGravityPress.com
Email Address: StupidGravityPress@pobox.com
Author website: DustyCatWriter.com
Author email address: DustyCatWriter@verizon.net
For more information about Ghost Cats 2: More Afterlife Encounters with Feline Spirits, for Dusty’s bio or additional images, visit the Stupid Gravity Press online newsroom or contact Chris
Ruben/Creative Resource Marketing (903-534-9499, Chris@AdoptAShelter.com).
Downloadable Press Releases
Oct 19, 2016/Cat Scene Investigator: Solve your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery Press Release
Downloadable Bios
Dusty Rainbolt Cat Writer Bio
Dusty Rainbolt Science Fiction / Fantasy Bio
Dusty Rainbolt Resume and Professional Awards
Downloadable Publicity Photos
Below: Dusty Rainbolt with her foster cat, Zeki
Dusty Rainbolt wit her muse, Groucho
Downloadable Cat Scene Investigator Book Covers
Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery Cover
Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery back cover
Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery 3-D png