Felines and Pocine and Implants, Oh My!

People leave all kinds of things behind in their hotel rooms. Personally I’ve forgotten clothes, makeup, and some things I’m not about to disclose, but it takes a special kind of stupid to forget your real live show kitten, a real live mini-pig or your breast...

My Cat from Hell is a Winner

When I first heard about Animal Planet’s new show, My Cat from Hell, I cringed. Just what we needed was another show reinforcing negative kitty stereotypes! But I kept an open mind, and I’m glad I did. Despite the off-putting title, the show’s a winner and so is the...
The Cat Who Said Goodbye-Lilian Jackson Braun

The Cat Who Said Goodbye-Lilian Jackson Braun

Cat mystery writer, Lilian Jackson Braun, died on Saturday, June 4 in hospice in Landrum, S. C. just 16 days short of her 98th birthday. Just ask any cat-loving mystery reader and they’ll be happy to recount their favorite Lilian Jackson Braun novel regaling the...

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