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Goodbye Col. Rainbolt: The Animals in Heaven are Rejoicing Tonight

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Lt. J.D. Rainbolt saved the dogs his men has smuggled on board the troop transport ship before returning stateside after the war

My father, J.D. Rainbolt left us this morning, two months after he broke his arm at the shoulder. When he abandoned his earthy cloak, he left behind the pain of a body that refused to mend. He also left the tears of two daughters and a son who loved him very much.

But our loss is Heaven’s gain. I imagine the reception he received was filled with barks and purrs, whinnies and even some moos.

Dad always loved animals–all animals. I grew up hearing that some day he would own a ranch. In the mid-1960s he realized his dream and bought a run down tract of land near Seguin, Texas. A phone company engineer by day, he turned into a gentleman rancher on the weekend. Early on, the R Square Ranch resembled a dilapidated farm in the 1960s sitcom Green Acres. With a lot of sweat and perseverance, Dad molded the land into a working ranch.

_Dad & Calf
Dad with the first calf born at the R Square

Dad truly loved his cows. I’ve never met another rancher who bought his beef at the grocery store, but Dad did. Because he didn’t want his calves ending up on someone’s dinner plate, he raised pedigreed black Angus, which he sold as breeding stock.

He decided before he bought his herd that he’d catch more cows with honey than vinegar. He trained his little herd that the sound of the horn promised a tasty treat called cake or range cubes. Every time he drove up to the ranch entrance he’d honk the horn. A happy audience of black cows would stampede to the corral to greet him.

Dad’s most touching animal story happened during World War II when he found himself surrounded by war dogs. Dad served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps as a communications scout in France. He commanded a small unit of 30 men, who all returned home safely. During the course of the war, his men would feed and rescue starving stray dogs. In return, the dogs offered war-weary soldiers friendly face lickings and emotional escape from the horrors of war.

But, the military frowns on troops keeping pets. Even today soldiers carefully conceal the dog or cat who travels with their units. If discovered, orders are often given to shoot the animal. However, some officers turned a blind eye to the illicit love affair for the good of his people and the starving animals.

XNigel0001J.D. Rainbolt was one of those officers. An avid dog lover since childhood, Dad took no notice of the soldiers’ canine companions, or at least never officially.

When the day finally arrived to return home, one of his men approached Dad and asked, “Lieutenant, what should we do we with the dogs?” Dad told the soldier, “Find local families to give them homes. Give them some money so they can care for them. You can’t bring them on the ship.”

When the unit boarded the troop transport ship bound for the U.S., Dad said there wasn’t even the hint of a dog for miles. He just assumed the locals had a lot of wonderful new pets. Several hours after weighing anchor, pooches appeared on deck. A few at first. Then more and more. Before long, Dad bumped into dogs no matter where he went on the ship. Dad learned that the dog smugglers had fed their pets sedatives, stuffed them in their duffel bags, then carried them onto the ship. Dad’s men weren’t the only ones who disobeyed the dog-abandonment order. Most of the dogs onboard had traveled with combats units. Over 100 French mutts found themselves bound for the United States.

The no-nonsense admiral in charge of the convoy ordered my dad to shoot every dog on the ship. Dad respectfully replied he didn’t think that wasn’t wise.

“These men have been killing Germans for months,” young Lt. Rainbolt reminded the admiral. “The dogs are part of their unit. If you start shooting dogs, there will be a bloodbath. These men won’t hesitate to kill to protect their dogs”.

XJD&Animals0001How would they carry out this mutiny, the admiral wanted to know. The admiral thought all of the weapons onboard had been stowed in the bowels of the ship. My dad, reminded him that only the military-issued weapons were locked up. The same duffel bags that smuggled in contraband dogs, also (legally) brought in captured guns, ammo and knives. (Even Dad came home with eight captured German bayonets, and of course some cognac.)

The admiral realized before he could enforce his dog destruction order, he’d have to take up the captured weapons. Each piece would have to be logged in, labeled and stored so it could be reissued to its owner before the soldier left the ship. The confiscation process continued well past mid-voyage, at which time they had to start returning the arms. After all, with an immediate turnaround, they couldn’t waste valuable dock time messing with souvenirs. The admiral conceded, and both mutts and men openly strolled the ship for the rest of the cruise..

The last time Dad told the story, he couldn’t recall many of the details. The admiral and the ship’s name have been lost to time. And while these dogs saved the hearts and souls of his men, Dad just returned the favor. And for a few days at the end of World War II, Dad had over 100 dogs. That made Lt. Rainbolt the happiest dog lover in the world.

So I have no doubt that early this morning J.D. Rainbolt was greeted by joyful kitties, a few bunnies, some horses, a large herd of Angus and a huge pack of dogs (a hundred of whom barked with a French accent), all begging, “Pet me! Pet Me!”

Between tears I visualize the joyful reunion. “You go, Dad. I miss you.”JD & Evil dog_cropped


Hasta la Vista Jay Leno #jayleno

leno cat 2
I’ll miss Jay Leno and all his entertaining cat segments.

Today my heart is broken by NBC…again.Last night we said goodbye to Jay Leno…again.

For the second time NBC fired the guy who was number one in his time slot to bring in fresh new blood. This time the pinch hitter is Jimmy (Thank You Notes) Fallon. Really?

Last time they replaced Jay the network had to eat crow.  Eight months after they bid Leno farewell, they brought him back due to Conan O’Brien’s abysmal ratings. You’d think they’d learn their lesson, (in the words of Steve Martin) but nooooo! They let him go again.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. What does that say about the executives at NBC?

Leno catNBC has established a pattern for yanking successful shows. Can you say, “He’s dead, Jim”? 45 years after they pulled the plug on Star Trek it continues to be a very lucrative franchise. I bet Gene Roddenberry is laughing at the network from on high. I mean in orbit. His wife Majel had his ashes shot into space. But I digress.

Jay Leno made me laugh for 22 years. Ever the gentleman, he never was mean-spirited. He treated all of his guests with respect, which is more than I can say about all the other night talk show hosts.

He always said his favorite part of the show was when guests brought animals. He didn’t mind being upstaged by other species.

He’s the quintessential a cat guy. I love how he always spoke affectionately about his own cat, Bedalius. Recently he ran a series of segments called Cat Theater showing funny Internet cat videos.

My favorite Leno segment ever was his police drama parody about a “hard-boiled cop with just six months to retirement” and “a hotshot rookie kitty.” “Together they’re Cop ‘n Kitty.” Here are some of those endearing white knuckle episodes.

Cop ‘n Kitty Episode 1

Episode 2 Kitty Kitty, Bang Bang

Cop ‘n Kitty Failed TV Pilot 9/24/2011

Here’s a bit where the same feline actor portrayed Jay’s own cat Bedalius.

Jay, we love you. We will miss you. Nighttime won’t be the same without you. I guess I will just have to go to bed earlier or watch cat videos on Youtube. Or maybe I’ll watch Animal Planet.

I sure hope we’ll be able to watch you on the Fox Network at the same time slot. Fox TV please, give Jay a call.

Meet the Rainbolt Test Kitties – Nixie

Nixie treat tester low res
Nixie poses for her favorite session ever: best cat treats


Nixie joined the family at the tender age of 4 weeks. Starving, infested with parasites struggling with horrendous paw injury, Nixie hung onto life by a whisker underneath a tree at a garage sale in Nixon, Texas. Dusty spied the critically ill kitten and convinced the farmer into selling her. Dusty scored Nixie and a bag of homegrown tomatoes for $11. After spending another $200 in vet bills, and providing a steady groceries the ugly little Siamese-mix blossomed into a swan, or rather a Tonkinese.

Shortly after Nixie’s rescue, Dusty’s journalism career moved from covering local politics and events to cat writing. Wigglebutt (Nixie’s nickname because of her sexy little sashay) proved to be a talented and beautiful model. The quintessential super model, she amazes every one by striking poses and taking direction whenever the photo lights are set up. Her striking visage has graced magazines and newsletters for over a decade and a half.

She is a cross country traveler and has flown to San Diego to Atlanta.



Name: Nixie

Age: 17

Best feline friend: No real cat friends

Favorite quote: I vant to be alone. ~ Greta Garbo (Actually Garbo said, “I want to be let alone.”)

Favorite food: Turkey

Favorite treat: Turkey

Favorite past time: Quiet evenings at home and and nibbling on turkey.

Favorite product test: Catnip toys and feathers,

Ask Einstein Teams Up with

Einstein imageI just wanted to let Einstein’s two-legged friends and fans know that as of December 16, 2013, “Ask Einstein” has a new home at, the amazing and widely online cat magazine and community. Please feel free to drop by every Monday and check out Einstein’s wisdom.

At the 2013 Cat Writers’ Association Awards Banquet held in November, “Ask Einstein” was honored with the AAFP Cat Friendly Award for the column “Cat Carrier”.  Woohoo.

Got a question for he who knows everything feline? Just Ask Einstein in the comments below his Catster column and you might be featured in an upcoming issue. (Letters don’t have to be written from the cat’s point of view.) Remember, any change in your cat’s behavior or activities could be a symptom of disease and should be investigated by your vet, even if it unfortunately involves glass tubes and cat posteriors.

Dusty in Guideposts Magazine

Guideposts Maynard

Dusty Rainbolt’s story about her foster kitten named Maynard appeared in the December, 2013 issue of Guideposts. Feel  free to read “A Feline Farewell.

Guideposts is  one of the first magazines Dusty read as a child. Of course, she always liked the animal stories best. When her mom, Alta Grace, learned about the article, she exclaimed, “You’ve really made the big time, haven’t you?”

Yes, indeed.

Antifreeze Manufacturers to Yucked Up Their Products in the Future

That Doesn’t Mean Your Pets are Safe from antifreeze poisoning

Prestone ethylene glycol was a boom for the car industry, but a bust for the 10,000 to 90,000 animals that die every year.

Prestone ethylene glycol was a boom for the car industry, but a bust for the 10,000 to 90,000 animals that die every year.[/caption]

Last year, after countless pet and wildlife deaths by ethylene glycol poisoning, the Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF) and Consumer Specialty Products Association jointly announced on December 13, 2012 an agreement to voluntarily add the bitter flavoring, denatonium benzoate, to antifreeze and engine coolant manufactured for consumers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In the U.S. denatonium benzoate is frequently used in common household products and as an anti-nail biting formula.

Ethylene glycol antifreeze has been saving car radiators, but killing pets, wild animals and even kids since 1927. That’s when Prestone® first sold pure ethylene glycol antifreeze in cans to car owners. Unlike contemporary alternatives (honey, sugar, molasses and, the most popular, methyl alcohol), ethylene glycol wouldn’t boil away or burn. And it was odorless.

People have long complained that the sweet smell and taste makes the antifreeze attractive to children and pets. That may be true, and the industry should be congratulated for this life-saving move. But owners of outside pets shouldn’t feel too comfortable yet.

Outside animals may also consume spilled ethylene glycol because in cold weather it could be the only drinkable liquid available.

According to a 2005 study, cats lack the receptor likely necessary for detection of sweet stimuli. In the research domestic cats, as well as tigers and cheetahs , showed no preference between sweetened and regular water, as opposed to other animals who, like humans, prefer sweet. So, theoretically cats shouldn’t be at risk, but they are.

Outside animals may consume spilled ethylene glycol because in cold weather it could be the only drinkable liquid available. HSLF estimates between 10,000 to 90,000 animals die each year after drinking the chemical. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, only two ounces can kill a dog or a child. As little as one teaspoon can prove lethal to a cat. (Younger animals may be even more susceptible). In records from the early 1990s, the American Association of Poison Control Centers reported about 3,400 people per year suffered from poisonings related to ethylene glycol. About 20% of them were children under six.

heated water bowl
The K&H Thermal Bowl™ can provide safe drinkable water even in subzero temperatures.

According to the Merck Veterinary manual, the widespread availability of antifreeze, its sweet taste and small minimum lethal dose, and the lack of public awareness of the toxicity (i.e., improper storage and disposal) contribute to the frequency of this intoxication.

In some cases, nuisance animals are intentionally poisoned antifreeze-treated food. Cats can also suffer from the chemical by simply walking through it and absorbing through the skin.



Keep an eye on your pet for strange behavior. A change in behavior is often the first symptom of a legion of health concerns. If you’re worried your pet may have come in contact with antifreeze, go to the vet immediately. Getting medical attention as soon as you notice something’s wrong could mean the difference in your pet (or kid) surviving or not. Animals who receive prompt veterinary treatment can recover, but every minute you delay decreases the likelihood he survive.


In as little as 30 minutes after first drinking ethylene glycol, an animal will appear lethargic or disorientated and he may expose his third eyelid. He may look drunk, suffering from a loss of coordination. He may drink and pee more than usual. Eventually he’ll begin to vomit. You may see ulcers around his mouth or on his tongue. His kidneys will fail. His heart may race and he’ll experience difficulty breathing . He could slip into a coma, or die.

In one nationwide veterinary survey, two out of three veterinarians reported that they treat at least one case of antifreeze/engine coolant poisoning each year.


Switch to antifreeze containing propylene glycol. It’s less toxic and also has a bitter taste.

Make sure outside animals have drinkable water. Provide a heated water bowl manufactured by K & H Manufacturing.


Cat & Dog Politics Turn Deadly in Talkeetna, Alaska

Stubbs struggles to recover at the veterinary clinic.
Mayor Stubbs, mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, struggles to live after suffering an attack by a large mixed-breed dog in front of his office at Nagley’s General Store.

Mayor Stubbs, mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, struggles to live after suffering an attack by a large mixed-breed dog in front of his office at Nagley’s General Store.

The 17-year old town official suffered multiple life-threatening injuries in the Attack: including a punctured lung, fractured sternum and a five-inch gash to his side. While the Mayor is still hospitalized a week later and is still confined to a oxygen box, he’s at least breathing on his own and his chest tube has been removed. Stubbs has run up $2000 in veterinary bills.

You can help with rising expenses by donating to a fund at Nagley’s General Store. Concerned cat lovers can mail the donations to the store at P.O. Box 906, Talkeetna, AK, 99676. Any donations beyond the cost of Stubbs’ care will go to the Mat-Su Animal Care Facility.