Category Archives: Special Days

The Poe Toaster; Newer isn’t Always Better

The Poe Toaster was as mysterious at the poet’s death

January 19 is the 208th anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe’s birth. The revered American suspense author, poet and cat lover is best remembered for “The Black Cat” and “The Raven.” Poe was born in 1809 and died in 1849 at the still-young age of 40. For seven decades, usually sometime between midnight and 6 a.m. on Poe’s birthday, a mysterious man known as the Poe Toaster paid tribute to the author next to Poe’s headstone at Baltimore’s Westminster Hall and Burying Ground. The black-clad gentleman, a character as mysterious as the poet himself, always wore a wide-brimmed hat and white scarf to hide his face, and carried a cane.

The Poe Toaster was first noticed in 1949 (in year of the 100th anniversary of the poet’s death). The morning of January 19 the stranger entered the cemetery and raised a toast of Martell cognac to Poe. At the grave he left the unfinished bottle along with three red roses placed in a distinctive pattern. The Poe Society of Baltimore admits that some details have been kept private so they’ll recognize the real Toaster from the copycats.

A cryptic note left behind in 1993 stated, “The torch will be passed.” That apparently happened. A message left in 1999 announced that the original Toaster had died the previous year and a son had taken over the tradition. Watchers agreed that the Toaster appeared younger. Hopefully the elder Toaster is now sharing Martell with Poe face-to-face.

Then it got weird.

A 2001 note ranted about the Baltimore Ravens’ Super Bowl chances. A note left in 2004 included a diatribe about France’s opposition to the Iraq war. Obviously not the same dignified old Toaster. The son of the Poe Toaster last appeared in January 2009 marking the end of an era.

In 2010, he failed to show. In 2011 four impostors showed up, but unlike the real Poe Toasters, they made no effort to conceal their presence They didn’t give the secret gesture and failed to place the roses in the Toaster’s particular arrangement.

And while the Poe Toaster is to “Quoth the Raven, “’Nevermore,” the Maryland Historical Society could not let the mystery man die with dignity. Last year, they sent out a cattle call for “Baltimore’s Next Poe Toaster.” Competitors auditioned in a public America’s Got Talent–style audition performance. Even though his selection was very public, organizers are keeping his name a secret.

The NextGen Toaster, made his first debut after sunrise on January 16, 2016, three days before Poe’s actual birthday. (Sadly, like national holidays, Poe’s tribute has been moved to the weekend. The dignified expression of respect has evolved into a spectical. Worse still, a tourist trap.) While the new Toaster wore the traditional apparel, he added his own twist by playing Saint Saëns’ “Danse Macabre” on the violin. After he raised the cognac toast and laid the roses, he quoted the Roman poet Martial, “Cineri gloria sera venit”, which means “Glory paid to one’s ashes comes too late.” Then he left.

In a break with the early morning tradition of the original, this year the new faux Poe Toaster will appear at Westminster Hall between 6 and 7 p.m. tonight.

At the time of Poe’s passing, newspapers attributed his death to “congestion of the brain” or “cerebral inflammation”. Today’s doctors speculate he could have succumbed to alcohol poisoning, epilepsy, syphilis, cholera, rabies, brain tumor, carbon monoxide poisoning, mercury poisoning or even murder.

What do you think of the revival of the Poe Toaster?

About Dusty Rainbolt

Author Dusty Rainbolt is an award-winning veterinary journalist according to her answering machine. She is an associate certified cat behavior consultant and member of International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, as well as past president of the Cat Writers’ Association. Her books, columns, reviews and articles have been honored with more than 50 writing awards including three-time recipient of Friskies Writer of the Year. Her just-released cat behavior book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery, is the consummate guide for dealing with a cat who sidesteps his/her appointed toilet. CSI, which provides science-based methods for determining the medical or behavioral causes of feline inappropriate elimination, teaches cat parents to view their cat’s litter box avoidance through the eyes of a detective to determine the cause and, ultimately, the remedy.


Only 2 New Year’s Resolutions for Cat Owners

January 2 is Happy Mew Year for Cats Day. Since kitties aren’t interested in getting plastered on Mew Year’s Eve unless the intoxicant is catnip, we’ll skip ahead to the New Year’s resolutions. After all, you want your Fluffy to have a happy and healthy 2017 and 2018 and, well, you get the message. Because you control the the car keys, you are responsible for Mew Year’s Resolution follow-through. Unfortunately, when it comes to resolutions, humans have short attention spans. So let’s limit them to two doable items.

Resolution #1 Take kitty to the vet regularly

For best results, your kitty should see his vet twice a year. I know dragging your cat to the veterinary hospital is stressful for both of you. Even if your kitty is a strictly inside cat, he still needs regular wellness exams to help him stay healthy. Annual vet visits won’t do the trick any longer. After all, once a year is like a human going to the doctor every seven years. A lot can happen in 365 days. Also because kitties are vulnerable to larger predators, they mask signs of illness until they are too sick to hide them any longer. A checkup by his vet gives you a better chance to catch potential health problems while they are preventable or treatable.

According to the Catalyst Council, most cases of diabetes could be prevented if overweight kitties are placed on a proper diet. Also, dental disease affects 68% of all cats over the age of three. Ouch.

Make notes between visits and ask your vet about your observations and concerns:

  • Fluffy’s dropping food when he eats.
  • He doesn’t sleep with me on the bed any longer.
  • He has a funny cough.
  • He has runny poo.

Resolution 2. Teach Fluffy to love his carrier

One excuse cat owners give for not taking their kitties to vet is because the catching and transporting process is too stressful for the feline and his family. If Fluffy has always feared his carrier as the vet transport device, change the way he looks at it. Buy a different style carrier; a two-door model works best.

Leave the carrier left out in open in the room where Fluffy likes to hang out. Place his favorite blanket inside so he can sneak in and take a nap. From time to time, toss some of his favorite treats in the carrier. Once he looks at the carrier as his personal hideaway, take him on rides around the block and give him treats. Watch this Catalyst Council video to learn other ways to help your cat get over its fear of the carrier.

Making your cat like his carrier and taking him to the vet once or twice a year helps assure your kitty will “Live Long and Pros-purr.”

About Dusty Rainbolt

Author Dusty Rainbolt is an award-winning veterinary journalist according to her answering machine. She is an associate certified cat behavior consultant and member of International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, as well as past president of the Cat Writers’ Association. Her books, columns, reviews and articles have been honored with more than 50 writing awards including three-time recipient of Friskies Writer of the Year. Her just-released cat behavior book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery, is the consummate guide for dealing with a cat who sidesteps his/her appointed toilet. CSI, which provides science-based methods for determining the medical or behavioral causes of feline inappropriate elimination, teaches cat parents to view their cat’s litter box avoidance through the eyes of a detective to determine the cause and, ultimately, the remedy.


November 3 is Cliché Day

November 3 is Cliché Day. Yes, really. It doesn’t rise to the occasion as does Veterans Day, but let’s have some fun! Clichés are overused and tired platitudes that became overused because there’s usually a grain of truth in it. On the other hand, some are interesting, but just plain wrong.

Erroneous Clichés

_Funny Expression2

“He was weak as a kitten.” What are they talking about? Obviously whoever came up with this one is either talking about person who is as weak as the Hulk, or he has never tried to give a pill to an unwilling kitten. There is nothing weak about a kitten who is being forced to do something he doesn’t want to do.

“Curiosity killed the cat.” When I first became a cat owner, I cross stitched a this phrase for a friend who loved cats, but I thought the saying was too negative and morbid to hang on a kitchen wall. I edited it to say, “Curiosity is a cat.” However after having and rescuing so many kitties, I found that in too many cases, this is true. Now I prefer the the revision below.

“Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” Now were talking.However there is a third version that I find more applicable.

Not a cliche. This version is more accurate.

Accurate Clichés

“Ignorance killed the cat. Curiosity was framed.” ~C.J. Cherryh. Sadly this is so often true when cat owners fail to understand their cat’s unique physiology and behavior. (Apply canine flea products to the cat, giving Tylenol, bringing lilies into the house,)

“It’s raining cats and dogs.” Or should that be “the reigning cats and dogs?

“Herding cats.” As an official Cat Wrangler, I can assure you this is impossible. See my favorite commercial of all time.

“Look what the cat dragged in.”   Okay. Me in the morning.

“Busier than a three legged cat in a dry sand box.” I have three three-legged kitties. Covering in the litter box isn’t a problem for them.

Leggo meme
Untrue cliches. Some three-legged kitties have no problem in a sandy box.

“The cat’s out of the bag.” In Medieval times farmers sold piglets and turned them over to customers inside a bag. However, unscrupulous people would put a cat in the sack. When the bag was opened the cat would flee and the person would learn he’d been duped. Of course the real truth is: It’s nearly impossible to get a cat to vacate a sack.

When the cat’s away, the mice will play.” Just ask any bodega owner in New York City.

What are your favorite cat-related clichés?

Keep Your Cat Safe on Independence Day

July 4 art
July 4th is a scarey time for pets. Keep your cat safe by following these simple suggestions.


What’s not to love about the Fourth of July? Patriotic parades, grilling hotdogs on the barbecue, spending time with friends and of course, fireworks. But to our pets, the holiday may seem more like the upcoming science fiction movie, Independence Day, where humans once againface the end of the world. It’s up to you to keep your cat safe on Independence Day and out of claws of hostile aliens.

With all the chaos occurring over the holiday weekend, it shouldn’t be surprising that more pets disappear over the July 4th weekend than any other time of year, even Halloween. Loud noises from fireworks may sound like thunder or an explosion to terrified pets—so frightening they bolt from the yard to escape the perceived threat. According to the American Animal Hospital Association, July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters. Animal shelters across the country actually report a 30 percent increase in lost pets reported between July 4 and July 6. Sadly, only 14 percent of those pets ever return to their families.

In addition to explosions and party chaos, wandering pets can fall prey to malicious lowlife. Eight years ago, Zeki, a kitten from Dallas, almost became one of those tragic statistics. Abandoned when her family moved away, she was captured on July 4th by some wacko and mutilated with a hunting knife. Zeki survived and was rescued and eventually found a loving home, but many panicked pets fleeing the flashes and kabooms disappear without a trace.

4th of July Safety Tips Infographic courtesy of the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP)

Regardless of your Independence Day plans, keep your pets safe and happy by taking seven simple precautions:

*Make sure pets wear ID, even indoor pets. However, collars and tags can become lost. In addition to name tags, microchip your cat and keep your contact information current with the microchip registry. In the event your cat and his tags go AWOL, a microchip will give him his last best hope of returning home.
*Before the weekend arrives, bring your outside cats inside so they can’t run away in a panic.
* During parties and firework displays, put cats in a calm a bathroom or other escape-proof room. A frightened cat allowed to wander the house may dart out of the door to escape the pandemonium. Set out food and water bowls, litter box and favorite toys. Put a “Do Not Enter” sign on the door to prevent guests from accidentally releasing the kraken (kitty.) Keep pets inside the entire weekend just to be safe.
*Use pheromone products that mimic the cat’s own friendly pheromones. Synthetic pheromones such as Comfort Zone® with Feliway®, Comfort Zone® with Feliway® Multicat, and Sentry Calming Spray for Cats and the Sentry Calming Collar may help your cat cope more effectively with loud noises, house guests and other stressful situations.
* Play soothing music, white noise or cat videos to mask the sound of fireworks. Even better, offer music specifically composed or arranged to calm kitties such as Music For Cats or Through a Cat’s Ear. Start the sound therapy before the guests arrive or the fireworks start.
*Calming vests. Swaddling apparel such as a Thundershirt or CalmCat shirt may reduce anxiety in cats.
*Take action immediately if your cat goes missing. As soon as you realize your cat can’t be found, contact your local animal control facility and your cat’s microchip registry. Put up lost cat flyers. Always visit the animal shelter and eyeball all the cats. The person taking your report may not make the connection between your cat and your description of your cat.

Happy National Mutt Day

National Mutt Day

December 2 is National Mutt Day. I don’t really like the term “mutt.” It sounds derogatory. I prefer “dog of all breeds.

Regardless, it’s all about embracing, saving and celebrating mixed breed dogs. So please visit your local shelter and find a new friend today! If you can’t adopt, consider fostering.

We lost our mutt Abby in May to a cardiac tumor. We hope to have a new mutt soon.


National Pet Fire Safety Day

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Courtesy of

Today is July 15, National Pet Fire Safety Day.

Many years ago I was spending Christmas day at my Aunt Beverly’s home. Beverly was a first-time cat owner and, as often happens to compassionate people, Puddy had recently wandered up to her home and moved in. The Russian Blue wannabe worked the crowd as Bev passed loaded plates to the dining room through a convenient service window. Faux fir boughs and a votive candle adorned the window ledge.

Assuming a supervisory position, Puddy lept up on the ledge and paused over the candle. Everyone in the room noticed the kitty straddling the flame. A chorus of, “Oh no!” and “Move Puddy” filled the air. With all the screaming and panic, Puddy didn’t move a whisker. Before anyone could grab him, his pewter fur began smoldering. More human hysteria, more freezing. Well-intentioned rescuers reached him; and chased the terrified cat around the house.

Fortunately, only his fur and his pride were singed. It could have been much worse: Puddy could have died a horrible death and the house could have caught fire.

That night I went home and threw out all of my candles. That Christmas day I learned: if pets can get into trouble, they will, a fact backed up by National Fire Protection Association statistics. The organization estimates that 1,000 house fires are started annually by pets.

Since today is National Pet Fire Safety Day, I thought I’d share some suggestions for keeping your

pets safe in the event of a fire.

Be prepared and include your pets in your family fire evacuation plan.

When you hold family fire drills (and if you don’t, you should) or practice escape routes, do it with your pets. Keep leashes and carriers in a handy place. (Don’t try to carry your dog or cat in your arms. A panicky pet could injure you or wiggle out of your gasp and become lost.)

  • Place a Pet Alert sticker on a front window or door and keep the information current. Update it whenever you get a new pet or say goodbye to a companion.
  • Use flameless candles. (Remember Puddy.)
  • Don’t leave your pets unattended around an open flames. Extinguish candles, stoves and fireplaces before leaving home.
  • Pet proof your home. Can the puppy or kitten chew computer wires? If you have cats, consider fire hazards in 3-D.
  • Keep young pets confined when you are away from home.
  • Get a stove knob shield or remove the knobs when you aren’t around. (You can get the stove guards in the baby section of any store including Lowes.) This is where most pet-associated fires begin.

National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

Talking Winkie2Today is National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day.

Consider going your nearest shelter and checking out the amazing animals they have available.\r\n\r\nWe all have certain looks we love, but like a human life long companion, a relationship is more than about blue eyes or luxurious long hair. It’s about affection and enjoying time together. Think about your lifestyle when considering a cat (or dog.)

Are you at work for long hours? If you’re away from the house during the day or you travel frequently, a mature pet would probably fit better into your lifestyle. If you want a younger pet, consider bringing home siblings. That way they can use up some of that crazy kitten or puppy energy on each other. Kittens, with their strong predatory drive, will wrestle with each other rather than attacking ankles or fingers.

Do you have toddlers? Ah, we all have romantic images of our babies growing up with the puppy or kitten, but kittens are fragile and puppies are rambunctious. Most shelters have a 6/6 rule: no adoptions of kittens under six months to families with kids under six years. A kid can drop or fall on a kitten or small pup and seriously injure him. Conversely, a kitten or puppy struggling to get away from a four-year old who’s holding him too tightly may bite or scratch in self defense. Consider a mature cat or dog. The shelter receives so many family pets who are used to being around kids.

I’ve spent the last 25 years trying to find families for homeless cats. Oftentimes cats and kittens end up in shelters for reasons that aren’t their fault:

  • Moving
  • Don’t have time for the pet
  • New spouse or boy/girlfriend doesn’t like the pet
  • I’m suddenly allergic
  • Can’t afford him any longer

Many of these excuses are bogus. The families have simply lost interest in the cat and can’t be bothered. The animals sit in a cage at the shelter, frightened and bewildered. These are wonderful pets who only want the same thing you want: to live, to love and be loved. Is that asking so much? Please go to your local shelter on this National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day and adopt a homeless cat.

You’ll save a life and receive unconditional life.


Texas Independence Day

Texas Independence Day Cat
On Texas Independence Day, consider adopting a pet worthy of being called a Texan.

Today is Texas Independence Day, the 179th anniversary of the day the fledgling country adopted the Texas Declaration of Independence at Washington-on-the-Brazos. I’m a fifth generation Texan, and March 2 has great meaning to our family.

So while I was pondering the enormity of what the Texas founding fathers and defenders risked and sacrificed, I drew a couple of parallels to cats. Texans are known for our fierce independence; so are cats. Texans are proud, so are cats. Texans a reputation for take-no-crap. Kitties too.

Cats go back to our earliest Texas roots. A black cat even died with the defenders of the Alamo. More about the Alamo and her cats on March 6, the day the Alamo fell.

So Come on people of Texas, open your homes to an independent creature worthy to be called Texan!

And just for fun, here are some Texas truisms. And believe me, they ARE true. When you’re from Texas:

  • You understand that frozen precipitation seldom means snow. It usually means freezing rain, sleet, cobblestone ice and hail, but not snow.)

    snow cats copyright small
    Last week we actually had bona fide snow. The Texas tradition of sleet and freezing rain returned the following day
  • You use the word “y’all” not because you have a Texas accent, but because it’s a practical contraction.
  • You no longer associate bridges with water.
  • You no longer associate rivers with water.
  • You can say 110 degrees without fainting.
  • You realize asphalt has a liquid state.
  • You learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.(Especially the old fashioned metal ones.)
  • You know that in July it takes only two fingers to drive your car.
  • You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.(Yup.)
  • Hot water comes out of both taps.
  • The mosquitoes have landing lights and can pick up small dogs.
  • You’ve ridden your brand new Christmas bicycle in shorts.
  • People grumble about Noah letting coyotes on the ark.
  • It’s a common misconception that JR Ewing lived here. That was a TV show people! Chuck Norris, on the other hand, is a real, karate-choppin’ Texas Ranger.
  • It’s a common misconception that we have killer bees, fire ants, gigantic roaches and mosquitoes and other awful insects, tornadoes, hurricanes, and damaging hailstorms. We tend to think of them as a few bitty bugs and a bad hair day.

Super Bowl Pet Safety

.Super Bowl


It’s Super Bowl Sunday; so as you prepare the snack and ice down the beer, keep in mind Super Bowl Pet Safety.  Like any other holiday, it’s a time for family and friends get together to drink, eat and cheer for their team. Unfortunately, many of those same party foods can be dangerous for your pet. Here are a few tips to keep your kitties safe and comfortable during the festivities.

  • Remember kitties don’t appreciate chaos.  Keep your pets away from open doors. While guests are coming and going, your cat or dog may dart outside.
  • Sequester your cat to a quiet room with his food and water, litter box, some toys a towel or tee shirt with your scent and his favorite toys.
  • Give your pets water only. Alcohol is toxic to dogs and cats. Even a few ounces of beer can cause ethanol poisoning.
  • Feed your pets only their food or appropriate treats. Many traditional Super Bowl delicacies contain garlic, onion, salt and avocado which can cause a variety of serious health problems. If you enjoy a bowl of hot wings, dispose of the bones in an outside trash can. Bones can cause intestinal obstructions. Also don’t let guests give your pets chocolate or sodas or anything containing Xylitol.
  • If you must share in the festivities, let them indulged in some commercial pet treats or some turkey baby food (without garlic) or some low-sodium deli turkey.


Good luck. May the best team win. Keep Super Bowl pet safety in mind and everyone wins (sort of.) As for me, I’ll record the game and watch the commercials. I’m looking forward to watching the Puppy Bowl. Go Dachshunds. Go Kitties.




December is Cat Toy Safety Month

December is Cat Toy Safety Month. Okay, I’m stretching the official name a bit. December is actually Safe Toys and Gifts Month. This is the month to be aware of toy safety, when buying any gifts and stocking stuffers–for your kids and your kitties. Better still, go back and examine their old toys, just to make sure they’re still safe to play with. The hazards to kitties are exactly the same as with toddlers.

December is Cat Toy Safety Month (sort of). Take time to check your cat’s toys for the dangers listed below.

Cat Toy Dangers

  • No small parts to swallow. Any little piece that can choke a child can choke a cat or dog,
  • No loose strings. While string toys are the best at mimicking prey, they should be used only under the supervision of a human. If swallowed string can actually cut holes in the intestines causing peritonitis and eventually death. When you’re finished playing with string toys on a stick, store them where your cat cannot get to them, in a closet or cabinet.
  • No sharp edges.
  • No exposed staples. Carpeted cat trees often use staples to affix the carpet to the wood. Carefully check around with your hands to locate any sticking out.
  • Laser pointers are great, but don’t let children use them without adult supervision. If shined in the  eyes, lasers can cause injury to humans and kitties.

Best Cat Toys Ever

  • Da Bird-This irresistable toy on a string has a patented lure that twirls as it moves through the air, making the sound of a bird’s flapping wings.
  • Egg-Cersizer™ Cat Toy-This is a food puzzle that cats adore. It also keeps them busy and out of mischief.
  • Play ‘n Squeak toys– When touched these toys emits a squeak that sounds just like a mouse.
  • Stimulo Cat interactive feeder– Another brilliantly designed food puzzle. My cats actually pass up full bowls of food in order to fish the food out with their paws. The optional