Category Archives: Research

Toxoplasmosis Research: No Kittens Were Harmed in the Making of This Protozoa

New scientific research means kittens may longer have to be sacrificed to study Toxoplasmosis gondii (Art by Dusty Rainbolt from Shutterstock photos.)

VETERINARY MEDICINE (Grenoble, France) Toxoplasmosis gondii is an indiscriminant single cell organism that can infect most warm-blooded animals worldwide (including humans and even birds). While it’s not picky about whose muscle tissue it inhabits, it’s very shy where it does the nasty. Out of all the living organisms in the entire universe, within the privacy of a cat’s intestines is the only place where the magic happens.  (That’s big cats, domestic cats, Cat in the Hat, any cat.)

Inside a cat it’s too dark to see

Scientists haven’t been able to observe toxoplasmosis hanky panky because (to rephrase Groucho Marx) inside a cat it’s too dark.

Until 2019, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) used artificially infected kittens to incubate the protozoa for research purposes. But it was a short tenure for Fluffy.

According to the Cornell Feline Health Center, “Newly exposed cats usually begin shedding oocysts (eggs) three to 10 days after consuming infected tissue, and continue shedding for around 10 to 14 days.” 

The intestinal tract of a cat is only place in the entire universe that Toxoplasmosis gondii can do the nasty. (Photo by Shutterstock)

The poor research kitties’ usefulness spanned only two weeks. Once they stopped dropping magic turds, it was curtains. Typical government waste mentality. The USDA didn’t want to rehome infected kitties (even if they weren’t contagious!) They decided they should kill their furry incubators rather than the parasite. Treatment is no big deal—just a course of clindamycin and, sometimes steroids should take care of toxo. Even if the cat isn’t treated, it can’t transmit/pass on the parasite because he no longer sheds eggs.

USDA Idiocy

Finally in April 2019 the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (appropriate acronym ARS) stopped researching the parasite on kittens because U.S. citizens didn’t like their tax money going to kill kitties unnecessarily.

In the USDA announcement, I noticed sneaky wording. It said, “…the use of cats as part of any research protocol IN ANY ARS LABORATORY has been discontinued and will not be reinstated.” Notice the phrase “in any ARS laboratory.”  It didn’t say research on cats had stopped. Research in their own laboratories stopped. Just saying. What about contracted laboratories like Wuhan? Huh?

The USDA says they’ve stopped killing kittens when they stop pooping Toxoplasmosis, but have they really? (Photo by Shutterstock)

Stopping research on toxoplasmosis is unfortunate, because the parasite can harm fetuses of women who were infected while they are pregnant. So research is important, but they didn’t need to off the kitties once they cease to produce the eggs.

Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy

Don’t freak out, pregnant ladies. Remember, cats can only shed the parasite for the first two weeks. Even during that communicable 2 week period, the oocysts aren’t immediately infectious to humans or other animals.

According to Cornell, “Before becoming infectious, they [oocysts] must go through a process called sporulation, which takes one to five days depending on environmental conditions.” 

Have someone else scoop the box for you every day and wash your hands and you and your little bun will be just fine. (Don’t take my word. Read the sources below.)

Although cats are needed to complete the Toxoplasmosis gondii reproduction cycle, most people become infected from eating or handling raw meat. (Photo by Shutterstock)

Most common ways of being infected

By the way, toxo may only be able to make little protozoa inside a cat, but according to the Centers for Disease Control, humans become infected by:

  • Eating undercooked, contaminated meat (especially pork, lamb, and venison) or shellfish.
  • Accidentally ingesting eggs after handling contaminated meat or shellfish and not thoroughly washing hands.
  • Cutting raw meat and then slicing veggies with the same unwashed knife.
  • Not thoroughly washing your hands after gardening.

There’s good news, research is back on and no kittens will be harmed in the pooping of these protozoa.

Although biologists haven’t been able to fully reproduce (pun intended) the entire love-making cycle of toxo, they’re getting there. Recently, research out of  Grenoble Alpes University in France came up with a gene editing technique that pushes the parasite toward sexual congress in the laboratory.  The new technique can only replicate the toxo foreplay. No big bang yet. Maybe try some protozoa porn to get them in the mood.

Something’s Missing

The missing piece could be some ingredient or compound inside the cat’s intestines that triggers reproduction. Maybe they’re just too shy to shag with the lights on. Maybe the sound of gurgling cat guts is the toxo equivalent of Barry White singing, “Let’s Get It On” or “Earned It” from 50 Shades of Amoeba.” Scientists are still working on it.

In addition to saving kittens, the new research could help researchers identify drugs that halt or accelerate different stages of the parasite’s life cycle, and perhaps even make it sterile. 


Ringworm Shouldn’t be the End of the World for Kitties and Pups

By Jeffy the Journalist

Ringworm is never on a kitty’s Christmas list to Santa. (Composite photo Dusty Rainbolt from

Ringworm. The word strikes fear in the hearts of animal shelter staff and any human who lives with kitties (or pooches or kiddos). I can assure you, it’s never on the list we send to Santa Claws either.

Not a Worm

In the spirit of full disclosure, ringworm is a fungus among us. It got its name because of the round lesions that appear on the skin. No worm hitchhikers are involved. It’s not dangerous. It’s not the end of the world, except if you’re an animal in a shelter with it and they put you to sleep cuz they can’t adopt you out and you’re too much trouble. The truth is, it’s a pain in the tail, it’s contagious to other animals and people, but it’s self-limiting meaning it will go away on its own.

It’s generally a problem for young kittens and puppies, not so much in adult cats and dogs. Animals (meaning humans too) get it from infected animals. According to the paper, “Dermatophytosis,” by Dr. Karen A. Moriello of the University of Wisconsin at Madison (who has lots of letters behind her name), it’s in the soil, and rodents and other animals get it then pass it to larger animals. The most at-risk animals are those of us who live in groups (multipet homes, shelters, hoarders, and pet shops.)

The truth is, it’s not as easy to catch as humans think. Dr. M says a kitty (or pooch) has to be exposed to a large number of spores, our skin has to have moisture and the skin has to have microtrauma. That’s irritation or inflammation, like when we scratch or from wearing a collar. Dr. M says in labs it was hard to infect kitties with ringworm if they had healthy, undamaged skin.

Skin irritation makes a cat more susceptible to ringworm. (Photo from Getty.)

Cleaning up the Environment

It’s actually not as contagious as old wives claim, and surprisingly, the environment isn’t very inefficient in infecting kitties (and pooches.) Dr. M says exposure to a contaminated environment most commonly results in a lesion-free infection, but it is a risk factor for sick animals or if they already have skin issues.

Kitties with ringworm may have little (or big) bald spots, redness, scaling and crusting. The spots are often round, but can also be asymmetrical. Although the fungus can affect anyplace on the body, it usually appears first on the face, ears, and paws. It may be hard to spot in longhaired animals. Whether a kitty (or pooch) gets one little spot or its widespread depends on the animal’s.

So you have a round spot on your fur. Is it ringworm, flea irritation or allergies? Your vet can take a culture.

Old wives tales and internet articles about ringworm often have all the credibility of cat poop.

Dr. M says, “Owners should be informed that [ringworm] is a non-life–threatening zoonotic disease that causes easily treatable skin lesions and be instructed to consult their personal physician if they have questions or suspect they may have skin lesions.”

Ringworm cat appear as a circular lesion, a crusty place or scaliness. (Photo from Getty)

In healthy animals, ringworm usually self-resolves in a month or two. Treating pets shortens the course of the outbreak and limits the transmission.

Ignore Bad Information

“Misinformation regarding cleaning, disinfection, and environmental contamination is pervasive,” Dr. M says. “Owners should be advised that fungal spores do not invade home surfaces as do other molds (eg, mildew), do not cause respiratory disease, and can be easily removed.”

Since ringworm usually pops up when animals are young and socialization and bonding are especially important, she says owners should continue to socialize and play with the infected pet, but wear gloves and washable clothing and avoid direct skin-to-skin contact. Wash hands (use soap and sing Happy Birthday). Give the kitten (or pooch) washable toys. Keep the infected four-legger away from other pets and avoid communal bowls, brushes and bedding. Dr. M says if you can’t keep critters separated, everyone can be bathed with a topical antifungal shampoo or treated with lime sulfur and watched closely for development of lesions.

The entire home interior doesn’t have to be torched. “If cleaning is regularly performed while the patient receives topical therapy, most homes can be decontaminated with one or two cleanings after cure.5””Anything you can wash in the washer or can be scrubbed can also be decontaminated.1

Make sure cat hair is vacuumed up every day. Clean stuff with paper towels or disposable cloths. Hard surfaces should be washed with detergent until visibly clean, then rinsed, dried, and sprayed with a disinfectant (such as products that contain accelerated hydrogen peroxide) kills ringworm.6 Believe it or not, bleach isn’t recommended cuz it’s an irritant, it damages surfaces, and it has no detergent properties. Who knew? Wash bedding twice with any laundry detergent on the longest wash cycle possible. Bleach and/or hot water aren’t superior to cold water without bleach.  Agitation from the washing machine (not dryer heat) is antifungal. Carpets can be decontaminated by being washed with a beater-brush rug cleaner twice or steam cleaned once. Clean food dishes in hot, soapy water.

Your vet will tell the human the best way to treat you. It usually involves lots of unpleasant activities such as pilling, baths and yucky ointment. Humans should make sure to follow the vet’s instructions about shampoo dilutions cuz left on too long, some shampoos can cause skin irritation.

So if someone offers you a ring(worm) for Cat-mas remember, just say no. However, if you find a little red ring on your nose, it’s not for life and it doesn’t have to cost a life. Happy Holidays.

Source: Moriello, Karen A, DVM, University of Wisconsin–Madison. “Dermatophytosis.” Clinician’s Brief. August 2020.

Study shows Facial Expression Don’t Help Homeless Cats

Who could resist this expression?
Does that study really say this face and coat doesn’t make Nixie more adoptable?


Crazy cat faces may have made Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub and Colonel Meow internet sensations, but a new study speculates facial expressions do not help homeless cats find forever families. The study, published in the journal, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, says kitties boosted their chances of adoption by rubbing on toys and furniture in their cages in front of potential adopters.

A 2013 study of homeless dogs showed that pooches who raised their eyebrows more frequently were adopted more quickly than dogs who were less facially expressive. Dogs who raised their eyebrows 20 times in front of a prospective family went home with them more frequently. Researchers believe the dogs with raised eyebrows looked more puppy-like. And who can resist a puppy?

Building on the canine research, three British scientists conducted a similar study using the Cat Facial Action Coding System. Researchers us a similar system in primate behavior research. They coded facial movements, ear movements, and the use of the tongue, lips, nose, eyelids, pupils, body and tail. The study involved 106 cats in three different United Kingdom animal shelters.

Surprisingly, the facially expressive homeless cats didn’t get adopted any sooner than their less expressive counterparts; people selected the cats who rubbed more during their first encounter.

The study also claims neither coat color nor age affected the decision to adopt. Really? I take issue with that conclusion. Huge issue. Here in The Colonies, older cats and black cats are regularly ignored in favor of younger or more colorful kitties. Here, black cats and kittens are the last adopted, I believe because of a combination fear of black cats with bad luck and because you can’t see their faces inside a cage. The Brits associate black cats with good luck, so they are actually more desirable. Also I simply can’t believe there is no age discrimination (kittens vs. seniors) in England. If the English don’t favor kittens over adults, I need to talk to someone across the Pond. Maybe we can up our older cat adoptions.

Still, take away what you will. Maybe spraying Comfort Zone with Feliway inside adoption cages will encourage facial marking, making hard-to-adopt homeless cats more desirable. Shelter workers, let me know if it helps.

What do you think? Please share your comments in the box below my bio.


About Dusty Rainbolt

Author Dusty Rainbolt is an award-winning veterinary journalist according to her answering machine. She is an associate certified cat behavior consultant and member of International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, as well as past president of the Cat Writers’ Association. Her books, columns, reviews and articles have been honored with more than 50 writing awards including three-time recipient of Friskies Writer of the Year. Her just-released award-winning cat behavior book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery, is the consummate guide for dealing with a cat who sidesteps his/her appointed toilet. CSI, which provides science-based methods for determining the medical or behavioral causes of feline inappropriate elimination, teaches cat parents to view their cat’s litter box avoidance through the eyes of a detective to determine the cause and, ultimately, the remedy.