Category Archives: Odd News

Good Luck is Just a Black Cat Away

black cat luckDoes it suck to be you? Have you received a letter from the IRS? Do you need to ramp it up in the Good Fortune department? Throw away the rabbit’s foot. (After all, it didn’t help that bunny one bit, did it?) The remedy to your misfortune could be as close as your local animal shelter. Adopt a black cat.

Many Americans grew up distrusting black kitties. But the U.S. is out of step with the rest of the world when it comes to their beliefs about them. As Paul Harvey used to say, “This is the rest of the story.”

Whether coal-coated felines are harbingers of good or evil depend on where they live. People the U.S., Spain and Belgium often associate black cats with the devil. American animal shelters struggle to find homes for friendly black strays because of their undeserved reputation for causing havoc. Fortunately, the rest of the world loves lap panthers. In Egypt, Great Britain, Australia and Japan, owning or encountering a black cat assures good fortune.

In 2000 B.C. when cats delivered Egypt from famine by controlling the local Mickey Mouse population, Pharaoh elevated them to deities. Enter Bastet, with the head of a black cat and the body of a woman. She became the goddess of motherhood, fertility, grace, beauty, and not surprisingly, cats. Egyptians courted Bastet’s favor by keeping black cats in their homes and leaving food out to attract them. They believed through their pets, Bastet would bless them with prosperity.

Love black cats smallWhile the Egyptians’ love of black cats is legendary, the Finnish, Celts, Romans, Norse and Latvians also held black cats in high esteem and believed they would be blessed by their presence.

The cat-loving British continue to value their black kitties above all others. An old English charm promises, “Black cat, cross my path–good fortune bring to home and hearth. When I am away from home, bring me luck wherever I roam.” Another British proverb claimed, “Whenever the cat of the house is black, the lasses of lovers will have no lack.” Black kittens on the porch promised the Scottish future riches and happiness. Celtic legend assured wealth and prosperity if a strange black cat shows up on your doorstep as long as you care for him. In most countries chasing a black cat away invites trouble. If the cat abandons a home or ship, disaster will soon follow.

An early 16th century British tradition encouraged visitors to kiss the family’s coal-colored feline. Brides in southern England whose path were crossed by a black cat would have a happy marriage.

England’s King Charles I was so afraid of losing his lucky black cat, he placed a 24-hour guard around him. Eventually the cat fell ill and died. Legend says distraught Charles cried out, “Alas, my luck is gone.” The next day Oliver Cromwell’s troops arrested him for treason. In 1649, Charles was beheaded.

churchill touching black catIf they’d run television commercials in the 18th century, you might have heard: “Black Cats: Don’t leave home without one.” Yorkshire fisherman wouldn’t sail without their most vital crewmember: the ship’s black cat. He offered protection and good luck. Punishment for harming him could be death. After all, without the black cat the ship couldn’t make it home safely.

Even sailors’ wives kept a feline talisman to keep their seafaring husbands safe. The height of the fishing industry spawned a black-cat black-market in Yorkshire. Women had to keep constant watch on their raven-furred felines otherwise racketeers would snatch them and sell them to another fisherman’s wife.

Winston Churchill believed in the power of the black cat. His kitty, Nelson, reputedly had his own chair at the Cabinet, and attended all the meetings. During World War II Churchill made a point of stroking any black cat he found. He even credited his wartime success to this practice.

Black cat good luckThings fell apart during the Middle Ages. Before then, the Catholic Church had no policy on cats. Monasteries often had mousers for companionship. In the 6th Century, Pope Gregory the Great even had a pet cat he was very fond of. However, in 1232 when Pope Gregory IX needed a scapegoat to distract the masses from rampant disease, famine and war, he declared cats the embodiment of the devil. This decree sent domestic cats to the edge of extinction in Europe.

Feline extermination resulted in an invasion of rats and their plague-carrying fleas. The rodents caused famine by gorging themselves on the grain stores and contaminating what they didn’t eat. Figures vary, but with no cats to control vermin, the Black Death claimed between a third and half the population of Europe from 1347 to 1351. The Plague persisted in varying degrees of severity until the 18th century, which also coincides with cats being welcomed again into villages and homes.

However, Pilgrims, filled with old-time fear of cats, brought their black cat prejudice to the New World. Distrust of them persisted throughout the New England witch trials and continues even today.

For prospective pet owners, black cats may be luckier than their fairer-haired counterparts. Besides providing the perfect camouflage for a nighttime predator, researchers at the National Institutes of Health discovered same the gene that gives cats the black coat also makes them more resistant to some disease.

So if you want make up for all those ladders you’ve walked under or the cracks you’ve stepped on, adopt a feline companion with a coal-black coat and a tough constitution. You may not find buried gold under your house, but with a gentle couch panther by your side you’ll always stay in the black.


Russia’s Largest Mortgage Lender Offers the Gift of House (Cat) Ownership

Sberbank  10 cats
Sberbank in Russia provides world’s best house warming present, at least for two hours.

Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia largest bank, is offering to a new benefit to its first 30 customers who take out home mortgages of over $116,000. According to Bloomberg Business Week Global Economics, not only are they lending money, their lending cats.

Sberbank Cesar
Like any good financial supervisor, the mustached tuxedo cat named Caesar monitors home loan negotiations quietly from the top of the computer printer at Russia’s  Sberbank.

According to a Russian legend, If a cat walks through a new home before you move in you’ll get have good luck. The state-controlled bank set up a special  website to publicize the puss promotion. “Order a cat for your housewarming, and bring happiness and luck to your home,” reads campaign web ad. Future homeowners can choose between 10 feline talismans: a mustached tuxedo named Caesar, Sonia a red lynx point, the Angora named Fedor, Caramel the calico, Toffee a Siamese, orange tabby Apricot, Kuzya a Peterbald, a gray and white named Knoop, the brown tabby Timothy and of course a Russian Blue named Smoke.There’s even a video on the that shows a couple of homeowners having their home blessed by the kitties.

Sberbank cats
(L-R) Meet Caramel, Toffee, Apricot and Smoke.

The kitties are all actually family pets. Some of them belong to Sberbank employees. As soon as the bank announced the launch of the puss promotion in mid-August they began receiving requests for loaner cats. Ownership lasts for two hours, barely time to even set out a litter box. Cat recipients must agree to an 8-page contract.

Even if you don’t live in Russia or  aren’t buying a home you can still have the benefit of a short term “tailisman” by contacting a rescue group or animal shelter in your area and offering to foster a cat. If a two-hour stroll fills a Russian home with luck, just think about good fortune in store if you save a life and give a kitty a safe place to stay for a couple of weeks.s

August 16 is International Homeless Pets Day

Taco has a foster home, but he’s looking for his forever home. This kitty is sweet and mischievous, and gets along with everyone including dogs and other cats. Although someone was very cruel to him, he’s a loving trusting boy.

Rules for Dealing with Stray Cats

Author Unknown

1. Stray cats will not be fed.

2. Stray cats will not be fed anything except dry cat food.

3. Stray cats will not be fed anything except dry cat food moistened with a little milk.

4. Stray cats will not be fed anything except dry cat food moistened with warm milk, yummy treats and leftover fish scraps.

5. Stray cats will not be encouraged to make this house their permanent residence.

6. Stray cats will not be petted, played with or picked up and cuddled unnecessarily.

7. Stray cats that are petted, played with, picked up and cuddled will absolutely not be given a name.

8. Stray cats with or without a name will not be allowed inside the house at any time.

9. Stray cats will not be allowed inside the house except at certain times.

10. Stray cats will not be allowed inside the house except on days ending in “y”.

11. Stray cats allowed inside will not be permitted to jump up on or sharpen their claws on the furniture.

12. Stray cats will not be permitted to jump up on, or sharpen claws on the really good furniture.

13. Stray cats will be permitted on all furniture but must sharpen claws on new $114.99 sisal-rope cat-scratching post with three perches.

14. Stray cats will answer the call of nature outdoors in the sand.

15. Stray cats will answer the call of nature in the three-piece, high-impact plastic tray filled with Fresh’n’Sweet kitty litter.

16. Stray cats will answer the call of nature in the hooded litter pan with a three-panel privacy screen and plenty of head room.

17. Stray cats will sleep outside.

18. Stray cats will sleep in the garage.

19. Stray cats will sleep in the house.

20. Stray cats will sleep in a cardboard box lined with an old blanket.

21. Stray cats will sleep in the special Kitty-Komfort-Bed with non-allergenic lamb’s wool pillow.

22. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed.

23. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed, except at the foot.

24. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed under the covers.

25. Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed under the covers except at the foot.

26. Stray cats will not play on the desk.

27. Stray cats will not play on the desk near the computer.

28. Stray cats are forbidden to walk on the computer keyboard on the desk when the human is asdfjjhhkl;ljfd.;oier\’puyykmm4hbdm9l o9jmdskdm

Shady Celebrates Shark Week with Slimmer Waisteline #HillsPet

shady shark©
When she came to us, Shady had the appetite of a great white and a waistline to match.

Shady came to me in early April after her family surrendered her. The woman’s other cats bullied Shady so mercilessly on a few occasions she actually needed veterinary treatment.

When I first laid eyes on her, I saw she was tremendous. Not in terms of intensity or excitement but sheer mass. Poor thing was so obese she couldn’t defend herself against the other cats; she was as helpless as a beached whale. At the time Shady tipped the scales just over 19 pounds, a huge gelatinous blob of fat. If that black cat had white chest markings she’d have resembled a great white shark with an appetite to match.

A kitty with her frame should weigh 11 pounds tops; she was carrying around the equivalent of an adult cat. It didn’t take a pet psychic to see there was a cat weight loss program in her future.

_Shady eating IMG_7547_2
Shady feasts on canned Feline Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution.

I don’t have to tell you, when my veterinarian saw her, she gave me the “overweight cats” lecture. If she kept on her present course her future wouldn’t be a healthy one.

Despite loving people, Shady preferred spending time in the guest room away from our other kitties. When she wanted to hang out, she would simply stand on the floor and stare at us. She wouldn’t jump up on the furniture; we had to pick her up. She had no interest in toys or games. All she wanted from us was snuggles. Hopefully, if she could shed the excess pounds, she could play like other four year old cats.

But how to do that? I worried that the combined stress of losing her family and changing or restricting her food might cause her to stop eating altogether. Then we’d have a whole new set of problems. Shortly after she came to live with us, I was invited to participate in the Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution blogger outreach program. Sign us up.

I have to admit I was skeptical. Shady weighed an impressive 18.2 pounds with a 21¼” bust when started her weight loss for cats program around July 1. I fully expected her to sniff the Metabolic dry food bowl and walk away, but she didn’t. Instead Shady planted her enormous derriere on the floor and began to dine. Really? Equally as important as Shady’s acceptance was getting my husband on board. In the past, when kitties turned their noses up at special diets, he took pity on them and helped them cheat. This time, because of Shady’s enthusiasm, both Shady and Weems stuck to the program.

Since Shady prefers canned food, we give her a tablespoon of the Metabolic wet food throughout the day, which she eats enthusiastically. She now jumps on the couch and stares at us to let us know when she’s hungry. I’m sure she’s sending mental messages like, “I’m starving. I haven’t eaten in three hours.” She also has a measured bowl of Metabolic dry food to snack between meals.

The Metabolic diet program even includes treats because we kitty parents still want to spoil our babies. Once again I expected her to leave the treats on the floor, but certainly scarfed the up and looked in anticipation of more. Her enthusiastic response to the Metabolic food and treats completely caught me off guard. This diet really was doable.

A little more than 5 weeks later, Shady is down to 16.6 pounds, a loss of 1.6 pounds. It’s hard to see her progress in the photos because she’s still a big black blob and she has a belly apron hanging down, but Shady has lost 2½” around her chest. (I wish Hill’s made a similar diet for people.)

_Shady IMG_7560_2She still doesn’t play, but she now leaps to the couch when she wants dinner or attention. One small jump for a cat, a giant leap for a waistline. She’s more interested in spending time with Weems and me in the living room where our other cats hang out and our tuxedo ChanChan frequently sneaks into Shady’s guest room. I find them lounging on opposite sides of the bed. Is Shady more comfortable because she’s less vulnerable or because she’s learned our guys aren’t a threat? I can’t read her mind. But there’s no question our little wallflower is more outgoing.

Shady still has a journey in her mass minimization quest, but I’m excited to witness her progress. It will be many months before she’s down to a healthy weight. She’s such a sweet gentle girl. I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, Shady and I are going to enjoy Shark Week together.

Catnado, A Natural Force for Good

Catnado, a natural force for good.

With the unbelievable success of the Syfy Channel movie, Sharknado and then Sharknado 2: The Second One, I’m shooting my own B movie: Catnado: A Natural Force for Good.

Synopsis: A Midwest American farm town is overrun by mice and rats because the EPA has outlawed effective pesticides. The farmers pray for relief. Salvation comes from an unexpected source when a tornado hits a starving feral cat colony then sweeps through the grainaries. The cats eradicate the pests and get a full tummy at the same time. The lonely children of the community develop friendships with the cats. The lonely old man adopts a stray calico and names her after his late wife. In the last scene picture the town gangbanger after being saved from flying debris by an old tomcat with a tipped ear. The kid picks up old Tom, hugs him and they both start life anew.

Unlike the Sharknado movies, there is some level of accuracy, since cats can survive falls, whereas in any other world besides a Syfy movie, sharks would splat into a nasty blob of red and gray.

Catnado: A Natural Force for Good. Coming to a screen sometime.


Told You So–“Safer” Rat Poisons May be More Dangerous to Pets and Kids

Safer rat poisons may be more dangerous to pets


A new generation of rodent poisons designed to be safer for children and animals may prove more deadly for pets, veterinarians say. The 2008 decision by the Environmental Protection Agency to phase out long-acting coagulants, which are dangerous to pets but treatable with vitamin K, led to the new group for which there is no antidote. Dogs that eat the poison can become seriously ill in two to 24 hours, said veterinarian Gregg Laurence, with symptoms including hyperexcitability, twitching and seizures.

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West Central Tribune (Willmar, Minn.)

June is Skyscraper Month

Highrise1High-rise Syndrome is a collection of injuries sustained by cats falling from higher than two stories, often from windows in high rise apartments. Most of these kitties accidentally fall from high-rise apartment windows, terraces or fire escapes. Not surprisingly, high-rise syndrome usually occurs in urban settings. Unscreened windows or windows with damaged screens are most frequently at fault. Amazingly, many of these cats survive.

You can protect your cats (and kids) by:

  • Checking your screens and regularly. If they’re not snug and secure, replace them.
  • Don’t expect childproof window guards to protect your cat. Most kitties can slip right past them.
  • Close your windows before you leave home.

California Rodenticide Ban Could be Bad for Kids and Pets

Rodenticide BanWhat’s old is new again, at least when it comes to rodent control in California. A California ban on rodenticides containing Brodifacoum, which will take place on July 1, will prevent the sale of second generation anticoagulants by d-CON® to the general public.

Environmentalists claim these compounds are responsible for numerous wildlife deaths via secondary poisoning. If a mouse or rat that has consumed the is eaten by a predator like such as a bird of prey, coyote or bobcat supporters of the ban say the predator could be also affected.

Charlotte Fadipe, Assistant Director of Communications for the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR)says “After July 1, there will be plenty of options and products for consumers who may have rodent problems. These include first generation anticoagulants that were not subject to the regulatory action. DPR also would like to point out integrated pest management practices that are less toxic alternatives to controlling rodents such as exclusion and mechanical and sticky traps.”

Greg Loarie, attorney for the environmental group, EarthJustice says agreed with the snap and sticky traps and added people could also use cats. That ought to sit well with the bird lobby. Just saying.

Interesting that no one mentioned the fact that individuals will still be able to purchase neurotoxin rodenticides over the counter to dispatch vermin. Unlike the anticoagulants, which can be treated with Vitamin K, these chemicals have no antidote. If directly ingested by a kid or pets, it’s bad news.

Homeowners will still be able to purchase more expensive Brodifacoum feeding stations where rodents dine in, but they can’t check out. And it can be used by professional pest control providers.

According to d-CON’s website, discontinuing the anticoagulants “result in the removal of the most cost effective rodenticides from the consumer market and severely limit the rodent control options available to consumers. If EPA’s Notice is implemented, the rodent control products that would remain available to consumers would include a powerful neurotoxin with no known antidote (unlike d-CON® products), or older and less effective products to which mice and rats have shown resistance.”

Don’t get me wrong. I want to save wildlife. But during the Middle Ages, when humans banned the most effective rodenticide of the time (cats), a third of Europe died of the bubonic plague.

Maybe d-CON can strike up a deal with Barn Cats, Inc., the feral cat relocation organization, for a cooperative new product, the deadly but loving Black Cat.

Until then I have one suggestion for the state of California and the EPA: Better start doing some research for that neurotoxin antidote. The kid you save could be your own.

Hasta la Vista Jay Leno #jayleno

leno cat 2
I’ll miss Jay Leno and all his entertaining cat segments.

Today my heart is broken by NBC…again.Last night we said goodbye to Jay Leno…again.

For the second time NBC fired the guy who was number one in his time slot to bring in fresh new blood. This time the pinch hitter is Jimmy (Thank You Notes) Fallon. Really?

Last time they replaced Jay the network had to eat crow.  Eight months after they bid Leno farewell, they brought him back due to Conan O’Brien’s abysmal ratings. You’d think they’d learn their lesson, (in the words of Steve Martin) but nooooo! They let him go again.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. What does that say about the executives at NBC?

Leno catNBC has established a pattern for yanking successful shows. Can you say, “He’s dead, Jim”? 45 years after they pulled the plug on Star Trek it continues to be a very lucrative franchise. I bet Gene Roddenberry is laughing at the network from on high. I mean in orbit. His wife Majel had his ashes shot into space. But I digress.

Jay Leno made me laugh for 22 years. Ever the gentleman, he never was mean-spirited. He treated all of his guests with respect, which is more than I can say about all the other night talk show hosts.

He always said his favorite part of the show was when guests brought animals. He didn’t mind being upstaged by other species.

He’s the quintessential a cat guy. I love how he always spoke affectionately about his own cat, Bedalius. Recently he ran a series of segments called Cat Theater showing funny Internet cat videos.

My favorite Leno segment ever was his police drama parody about a “hard-boiled cop with just six months to retirement” and “a hotshot rookie kitty.” “Together they’re Cop ‘n Kitty.” Here are some of those endearing white knuckle episodes.

Cop ‘n Kitty Episode 1

Episode 2 Kitty Kitty, Bang Bang

Cop ‘n Kitty Failed TV Pilot 9/24/2011

Here’s a bit where the same feline actor portrayed Jay’s own cat Bedalius.

Jay, we love you. We will miss you. Nighttime won’t be the same without you. I guess I will just have to go to bed earlier or watch cat videos on Youtube. Or maybe I’ll watch Animal Planet.

I sure hope we’ll be able to watch you on the Fox Network at the same time slot. Fox TV please, give Jay a call.

Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”

Edgar allan poeJanuary 19 was the 205th anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe’s birth, the American suspense author, poet and cat lover who is best remembered for The Black Cat and The Raven. Poe was born in 1809 and died in 1849 at the still young age of 40. He was laid to rest at Baltimore’s Westminster Hall and Burying Ground.

For seven decades in the early morning on the anniversary of Poe’s birth, a mysterious man (or maybe a father and son team) paid tribute to the author. Carrying a silver-tipped cane, the black-clad gentleman always wore a wide-brimmed hat and scarf to hide his face.

The Poe Toaster was first noticed in 1949 (in year of the 100th anniversary of the poet’s death). The night of January 19 the stranger entered the cemetery and raised a toast of Martell cognac to Poe. At the grave he left the unfinished bottle along with three red roses placed in a distinctive pattern. The Poe Society of Baltimore admits that some details have been kept private so they’ll recognize the real Toaster from the copycats.

Poe toasterA cryptic note left behind in 1993 stated, “The torch will be passed.” That apparently happened. A message left in 1999 announced that the original Toaster had died the previous year and a son had taken over the tradition. Watchers agreed that the Toaster appeared younger. A 2001 note ranted about the Baltimore Ravens’ Super Bowl chances, and a note in 2004 included a diatribe about France’s opposition to the Iraq war. Obviously not the same dignified old Toaster. The Toaster last appeared in January 2009.

At the time of Poe’s passing, newspapers attributed his death to “congestion of the brain” or “cerebral inflammation”. Today’s doctors speculate he could have succumbed to alcoholism, epilepsy, syphilis, cholera, rabies or even murder.

We have arrived at the end of an era. Hopefully the Toaster is now sharing Martell with Poe face-to-face. And in the poet’s own brilliant words, the Poe Toaster is “Quoth the Raven, “’Nevermore’.”