Category Archives: Cat Writers’ Association

Cat Scene Investigator wins six prestigious awards


Cat Scene Investigator recognized for excellence by the Cat Writers’ Association

Cat Scene Investigator receives honors

Last week at the Cat Writers’ Association Awards Banquet in Myrtle Beach, SC, CWA honored my latest book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery with six distinguished awards.

I wrote Cat Scene Investigator (Stupid Gravity Press) hoping it would help keep cats, who might otherwise be surrendered to shelters or abandoned, in their homes and to mend the human-animal bond damaged by litter box avoidance. Fortunately, the judges got it.

Best behavior book

Cat Scene Investigator received Muse Medallions for Best Behavior Book and Best Series of Illustrations. It also received the prestigious Dr. Jim Richards Cornell Feline Health Center Veterinary Issues Award. The Dr. Jim award goes to the highest quality entry on innovations in feline veterinary medicine that educates the general cat-owning public. Arnold Plotnick judged the category. He is a specialist in veterinary internal medicine and founder of Manhattan Cat Specialists in New York City.  Dr. Plotnick said, “Don’t be fooled by the small size of this book. It is jam-packed with up-to-date info on every aspect of inappropriate elimination in cats, written in an engaging, down-to-earth style. This book is the perfect blend of charm, humor and science.” This award was a double honor; the late Dr. Richards was my dear friend and mentor.

The book also received The Fear Freesm Cat Enrichment Award, sponsored by Fear Free, LLC and the Hartz® Glamour-Puss Award. The Enrichment award goes to the work that best educates about how exercise, food puzzles, scent training and other activities that can benefit a cat’s emotional and physical well-being and the role that has in their overall health. Glamour Puss recognizes the best work on parasite control, skin disorders and grooming.

In addition, cartoons by Stephanie Piro appearing in CSI received both the Muse for best series of illustrations and Stephanie’s CSI cartoons received the Kuykendall Image Award for the competition’s “outstanding image.” The book’s cover photo by Weems S. Hutto received a Muse nomination.

Thank you Cat Writers’ Association, CWA judges and special awards judges.

Cat Scene Investigator sports a new look.

Save kitty lives; spread the word

This book will save lives. We simply have to get the word out. Please tell your vet and local shelter and rescue group about Cat Scene Investigator. If you know anyone who has litter box problems with kitty, please tell them about Cat Scene Investigator. The book is available in trade paperback and Kindle. You can purchase it through Amazon, boutiques and veterinary clinics around the country. Additional distribution is pending. If you would like to carry this fabulous resource at your clinic or shelter, contact Stupid Gravity Press for wholesale rates.

Cat Writers Association 21st Annual Conference was a Meowing Blast

Dusty Susan Willett at CWA 2014
Susan Willett worked very hard to help make the conference a success. She even stepped bravely into the world of bling.

A week ago I was surrounded by my CWA friends in Atlanta and was running around like a cat with hyperesthesia. This morning I’m chilling at home, drinking a leisurely cup of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee with my husband, and fighting my kitties for my spot on the couch. The 2014 Cat Writers’ Association 21st Writers’ Conference has been put to bed. Officially, “It’s a wrap.” I’m once again a civilian. And it’s great to be home.

I want to the thank everyone who worked so hard to put the conference on. Where do I start?

  • Su Ewing-CWA past president, conference co-chair and good friend for her work coordinating with the hotel and listening to me whine and bitch for six years.
  • Marci Kladnik-Contest chair and incoming president. She pulled my butt out of the fire on many occasions. Marci never does any half-vast. (Yes, I know that’s not the phrase.) When our regular categories contest chair suddenly resigned last year, Marci stepped up and saved the day. This year she did an amazing job of leading the contest committee. And when we lost Lorie, and we were asked to find homes for her six cats, Marci jumped in again and arranged the transportation of the kitties to their new families. When I was feeling overwhelmed, she told me, “Dusty, you worry about the conference and finding homes for the cats. I’ll take care of the transportation.” She did. And then when asked to take the reins as president, she did.
  • Susan Willett for making lemonade out of lemons. Throughout the final planning of the conference, she was always there. It didn’t matter menial or how complicated the task was, she did it.
  • Wendy Christensen for many years, as CWA secretary, she has had my back. She’s the glue of this organization. If I listed everything Wendy does, I’d run out of web space. For starters she’s responsible for the banquet program booklet. And she made the incredible Muse Medallion necklace I wore to the awards banquet. (Contact her about making one for you too.)
  • Amy Shojai–I can’t even list everything Amy does. Behind the scenes activities, heading the emergency nominating committee, presenting an amazing talk about DIY publishing and sometimes just a calm word.
  • Fran Pennock Shaw- She worked on the nominating committee. She took the book signing off my hands and made it a success despite the constant change. For a the month I was president she sent me gentle prompts, “You should be doing this and this.”  And Fran simply does what needs to done. No questions.
  • Rachel Phelps-She was our BarkWorld liaison
  • Chris Ruben-Brainstorming, BarkWorld liaison, co-conspirator.
  • Karen Payne-for the amazing newsletter and by her persistence and discovering Lorie was hospitalized
  • Nancy Peterson for handling goodie bag donations.
  • Heike Hagenguth-Editor appointment goddess the last 15 years
  • BJ Bangs-for heading the nominating committee, taking on the job of VP and providing photographs
  • Stephanie Piro for drawing the illustrations that appeared in our banquet program and the cards for the winners display
  • Layla Morgan-Wilde-For her CWA website maintenance and blogs, her support and for organizing Absent Friends.
  • Belated Sharon Melnyk for handling registration all those many years.
  • Jonathan the Bartender-for being Jonathan the Bartender.
Dusty and Jonathan the Bartender offering the Queen’s wave to adoring banquet attendees. He looks stunning in his Thank-You-tiara.
Wendy Christensen Original
You, too, can own a Wendy Christensen Original Muse Medallion necklace. The night was all about the sparkles.

If I left anyone off, let me know. I’ll add you.

_IMG_7083_Dustys 2014 Awards_no number
Fluffy shows off her mom’s awards. (L-R) The Hartz® Milk Replacement for Kittens Award, Muse Medallion for best Online Article on Health and General Care, Hartz® Everyday Chewable Vitamin Award and 2104 Friskies® Writer of the Year Award.

At the awards banquet I was honored with the Friskies Writer of the Year Award, the Hartz® Everyday Chewable Vitamin Award (for the best entry on senior cats) and the Hartz® Milk Replacement for Kittens Award (kitten rescue award.) I also took home a Muse Medallion for my article about the quality of life scale.

_IMG_7119_Writer of the Year
Kiki and the Friskies® Writer of the Year Award.

However the most difficult and touching moment of the affair came when my friend and business partner, Chris Ruben, presented me with a bottle of Happy Cat Wine in a red bottle, a gift from absent friend, Lorie Huston. She had written Chris on August 30 (a month before she died) asking him to pick up the bottle to pick up a bottle and she would reimburse her. She wanted to give it to me as a thank you for helping her during her first year as president. Once he read her note and handed me the bottle everything else vanished. I so wish she had been able to present it to me personally.

_Lorie bottle
Lorie Huston’s final gift, a bottle of Happy Cat Wine with a note that I’ll keep forever.
lorie beautiful best
Lorie, wish you could have been with us. It was really YOUR night.

Thank you to all my CWA friends, the editors, speakers, officers and organizers for a memorable weekend. I’ll see you next year.

Mission Accomplished: Lorie’s Kitties are Rehomed

lorie beautiful bestFriends, Cat Lovers, Countrymen,

Lend me you ear. I know politicians have a bad habit of saying “mission accomplished” before the job is really finished, but I believe I can say that, mostly.

With the exception of Lilly, all of Lorie’s babies are in their new forever homes. Cross-country transport would be too traumatic on the little white three-legged cat, so she’s staying at Lorie’s clinic (Hoffman Animal Hospital) until a new family is found. Lilly must go to a quiet local with no dogs, small kids, or aggressive cats. Tia, the receptionist at the clinic is carefully screening adoption applications.

Thank you to everyone for their financial contributions, for opening your homes to these little orphans and for spreading the word.



Rhette at his new home2
Rhette went to live with Dolly the Doxie.












Dillion found his way to Kentucky to live with Rachel Phelps where he now tests cat products and models.









Midge & Merlin
Merlin & Midge have been adopted together by one of Lorie’s neighbors.
Rusty was adopted by one of Lorie’s clients.









Thank you to;

  • Tia-Elise, Kelly Brady-Famiglietti and Mary Pepin for their boots-on-the-ground work. They cared for the kitties and transported them as necessary, until homes were found.
  • Incoming CWA President Marci Kladnik for arranging transportation.
  • BlogPaws’ Chloe DiVita for raising money to pay for vet care and transport and for offering cat food.
  • The BlogPaws community, Susan Gingrich, Diane Stuckart and Allia Zobel Nolan for your monetary donations.The funds allowed us to ship cats, buy food and litter, pay for shipping and diagnostic tests. After all the volunteers have been reimbursed for their expenses, I will send the remaining funds to Lorie’s brother, Tim. Lorie has an enormous outstanding hospital bill and the money will help at least a little.

Despite this shocking and devastating loss, I am glad that the animal blogging community, Lorie’s friends, family, clients, employees and the Cat Writers’ Association came together to save her kitties. Lorie would be pleased.

Left Behind: Help Rehome Dr. Lorie Huston’s Kitties

loriehustonprofile-1333478613My friend and Cat Writers’ Association President Dr. Lorie Huston passed away yesterday after a lifelong struggle with liver disease. Lorie had six rescued kitties whom she dearly loved. They are living in Providence, RI. The family has asked that homes be found for Lorie’s babies. As you might expect, they are all fixed, current on their vaccinations, and negative for diseases. Some or all are declawed. The kitties are all rescues, not closely bonded and do not necessarily need to be placed together. They are special needs, of course, because that’s how Lorie rolled. Read details below.

Lorie’s vet clinic does not have the room to board the kitties. The clinic’s receptionist is trying to help, but is recovering from a serious dog attack and has transportation limitations so it is very difficult for her to check on them. We are looking for forever homes, foster homes, no kill shelters, people to transport and possibly even donations to pay for transportation or boarding.

BTW–Pet Assure veterinary discount plans has offered three free months to anyone who adopts one of Lorie’s babies.

If you’re interested in adopting or fostering any of Lorie’s kitties or helping out in any way, please fill out the form below.


Lorie’s cats



Lilly is Lorie’s 11 year old and a tripod. When Lilly was just an 8 week old kitten she lost her leg, part of her tail, and several toes after a dog attack. Rather than euthanizing the homeless brown tabby, Lorie performed the necessary surgery to save her life, then adopted her. Lorie said Lilly is laid-back and very sweet. She’s a happy, healthy, older lady who doesn’t even realize she’s one leg short of a full set. She cannot go into a home with dogs. She is spayed and FeLV/FIV/HW negative.








Midge is about 6 years old, spayed, declawed and FeLV/FIV negative. Midge came from a litter of orphaned kittens, hand-raised by a friend. Lorie had room for one more cat and Midge joined her family. She is a shy girl and would do well by herself, as the other cats pick on her. CORRECTION: Midge is friendly. Lorie always fed her separately, and watched to make sure the others left her alone. Lorie said Midge is standoffish with the other cats but loves people.









Rusty was left at Lorie’s clinic by an animal control officer. The poor kitty was extremely ill with a respiratory infection and was treated at the hospital. After he recovered, he would always find his way into Lorie’s exam room and hang out in her sink. Lorie couldn’t resist him. Rusty, who’s between 4 and 6 years old, is a personal favorite of clinic staff. Lorie said Rusty is shy at first and easily frightened, but very sweet. He’s declawed, neutered, and negative for FeLV/FIV/HW.




Dillon, who is between 4 and 6 years old was left in a cardboard box on the clinic’s doorstep. He immediately began rubbing all over Lorie. It was love at first sight. She adopted him the next day after being neutered and tested for FeLV/FIV. Lorie said Dillon is curious about everything and seeks attention from anyone.







Rhette is a 6 to 8 year old neutered and declawed boy who was left in a carrier in the hospital parking lot. After being examined and found to be healthy, he joined Lorie’s growing family as well. Lorie said he is demanding and very vocal. He thinks he’s the boss. He can be a bully. He’s confused and a little nervous in Lorie’s absence, but friendly.





Merlin-FBMerlin, now 6 to 8 years old, is neutered and declawed. He was living unsuccessfully as stray cat near the hospital. He was determined to become a member of the staff. When someone opened the door, he strolled right in and made himself comfortable. He’s a funny cat who always made Lorie laugh because he likes to throw his whole body over his food bowl. He’s mellow and minds his business, and does his own thing. Lorie said Merlin seeks attention but is less confident than Dillon.

Please fill out form to adopt or foster a kitty

Cat Writers’ Association Announces Muse Medallion Finalists

Heidi & Typewriter IMG_2767_webThis week the Cat Writers’ Association announced recipients of this year’s Certificates of Excellence. Entries are judged by three professional CWA members. Averaged scores of 90 or higher receive a Certificate of Excellence. The top score over 90 wins the Muse. However, CWA considers the Certificates of Excellence awards in their own right.

It’s exciting to see the names of so many wonderful writers, producers and artists recognized. I’m product to say that many of these talented folks are my friends.

The Muse Medallion winners will be announced at the CWA Awards Banquet, the grand finale of the MeowWorld Presented by CWA/BarkWorld Conference in Atlanta October 29 through November 1. For more information about the conference and banquet go to the CWA website.

Congratulations to the Certificate winners listed below.

I.1 Monthly Magazine: National
Susan Logan, Editor, “Cat Fancy”

I.2 Magazine Article: Health & General Care
Deborah Barnes, “Don’t Delay” Cats Fancy
Helen Jablonski, “Orphan Care” Kittens 101 2015
Bernadette Kazmarski, “Tail Vaccines for Cats Could Save Lives” Pittsburgh
Ingrid King, “Feline Medicine Goes High-Tech” Cat[ Fancy
Ingrid King, “It’s In the Will” Cat Fancy
Ramona Marek, “Faint Heart” Animal Wellness
Arnold Plotnick, DVM, “Change of Heart” Cat Fancy
Dusty Rainbolt, “Cat Bathroom Basics” Ready, Set, Rescue 2014
Dusty Rainbolt, “Hunters by Nature” Cat Fancy
Genevieve Rajewski, “Itching to Know” Tufts Veterinary Medicine PetConnections
Fran Pennock Shaw, “A Glimmer of Hope” Cat Fancy
Fran Pennock Shaw, “A New Frontier in Medicine” Cat Fancy
Fran Pennock Shaw, “Raw Intelligence” Cats USA 2014
Rebecca Sweat, “Happy Tails” Cat Fancy

I.3 Magazine Article: Behavior & Training
Maryjean Ballner, “Winning the Affection of the Scaredy Cat” Pet Sitter’s WORLD
Helen Jablonski, “Solve Litterbox Issues For Good” CATS USA 2014
Jacqueline Munera, “Training for Cats in the Shelter: Part Three” The APDT Chronicle of the Dog
Jacqueline Munera, “Training for Cats in the Shelter: Part Four” The APDT Chronicle of the Dog
Jacqueline Munera, “Dogs and Declawed Cats: Extra Caution Required” The APDT Chronicle of the Dog

I.4 Magazine Article: Rescue/Advocacy
Kate Hurley, DVM and James Hettinger, “For Community Cats, A Change Is Gonna Come/Putting it
Into Practice” Animal Sheltering Magazine
Bernadette Kazmarski, “The Invisible Cat” Pittsburgh PetConnections
Cimeron Morrissey, “Pure Joy” Cat Fancy
Cimeron Morrissey, “The Quiet Living Legend” Cat Fancy
Cimeron Morrissey, “Setting the Records Straight” Cat Fancy
Cimeron Morrissey, “Up to the Challenge” Cat Fancy
Cimeron Morrissey, “the things we do for (cat) love” (all lowercase) Cat Fancy
Nancy Peterson, “The Challenges of a Rural TNR Project” Animal Sheltering

I.5 Magazine Article: Any Other Topic
Jim Baker, “Free to Good Home” Animal Sheltering
Stacy Hackett, “Around the World With 18 Breeds” CATS USA 2014
Bernadette Kazmarski, “Never Enough Time, But Enough Time to Love” Pittsburgh PetConnections
Marci Kladnik, “Kittens Gone Wild! The Feral Cat Challenge” Pet Sitter’s WORLD
Audrey Pavia, “Black Magic” Cat Fancy
Jen Reeder, “How Cats Broke the Internet” Modern Cat
Sandy Robins, “How Smart is Your Cat?” CATS USA 2014
Kim Campbell Thornton, “Protecting Jaguars” CATS USA 2014

I.6 Magazine Column
Cimeron Morrissey, “Cat Champions” Cat Fancy
Sandy Robins, “Life’s Purrfect” Cat Fancy
Nancy Peterson, “Catty Corner” Animal Sheltering

II.1 Newspaper Article: Health & General Care
Fran Pennock Shaw “Heartworm disease in cats on the rise” Intelligencer Journal-Lancaster New Era

II.2 Newspaper Article: Behavior & Training
no entries

II.3 Newspaper Article: Rescue/Advocacy
no entries

II.4 Newspaper Article: Any Other Topic
Jen Reeder “Celebrating National Pet Week With Jake the Therapy Cat” Huffington Post

II.5 Newspaper Column
Amy Shojai “P’etiquette” Herald Democrat

III.1 Newsletter: Breed Specific
Brigitte McMinn, Editor, Bengals Illustrated
Brigitte McMinn, Editor, Savannahs Illustrated

III.2 Newsletter: National Circulation
Cimeron Morrissey, Cat Tales

III.3 Newsletter: Regional or Membership Circulation Advocacy
combined with III.2

III.4 Newsletter Article: Health & General Care
Arnold Plotnick, “Blood Test to Detect Cancer” catnip
Arnold Plotnick, “Double Whammy!” catnip
Arnold Plotnick, “Cryptococcosis in Cats” catnip
Arnold Plotnick, “Hypertension in Cats” catnip
Arnold Plotnick, “Heart Disease or Not?” catnip
Arnold Plotnick, “New Advances in Treating FIP” catnip
Fran Pennock Shaw, “Pursuing a Cure for Breast Cancer” Cat Watch
Kim Campbell Thornton, “Hospice Care for Cats” catnip
Kim Campbell Thornton, “Holiday Hazards Can Tempt the Curious” Cat Watch
Kim Campbell Thornton, “A Simple Way to Check the Ears” Cat Watch
Elissa Wolfson, “The Coat Tells the Tale” Cat Watch
Elissa Wolfson, “Be on the Lookout for Nail Injuries” Cat Watch

III.5 Newsletter Article: Behavior & Training
Kim Campbell Thornton, “Fearful Cats Can Go on the Attack” Cat Watch
Kim Campbell Thornton, “Appealing to the Heart of a Hunter” Cat Watch

III.6 Newsletter Article: Rescue/Advocacy
Kim Campbell Thornton, “Kitten Nurseries Save Lives” Catnip
Nancy Marano, “Albuquerque’s Community Cat Program” Petroglyphs

III.7 Newsletter Article: Any Other Topic
Nancy Marano, “Cat Colors and Stereotypes” Petroglyphs
Lee Wardlaw, “Eight Things I’ve Learned from My Cats about Writing Haiku” Meow

III.8 Newsletter Column Topic
Lyn Garson, CVT, “Technically Speaking”

IV.1 Short Story
no winner

IV.2 Poem
Andrea Dorn, “Once a Cat” Meow
Andrea Dorn, “Lady Butterfly” Meow
Carole Nelson Douglas, “Feline Domestic” 2013 CWA Conference Program
Bernadette Kazmarski, “Once”
Linda Mohr, “Untitled Haiku”

IV.3 Humor
no winner

IV.4 Brochure, Pamphlet, or Short Publication
Teresa Keiger, “CFA World Show Ad” The Detroit News

IV.5 Annual or Long Publication
Bernadette Kazmarski, 12 Sketches of Cats
Susan Logan, Editor, Kittens 101 2015
Brigitte McMinn, Editor, Ragdoll Illustrated Calendar

IV.6 Opinion Piece, Essay, or Editorial
Deborah Barnes, “The Many Shades of a Crazy Cat Lady” Zee & Zoey’s Chronicle Connection
Janiss Garza, “Cats Do Not Equal Children” CatChannel
Janiss Garza, “Soul Cat” CatChannel
JaneA Kelley, “I Think Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws Do More Harm Than Good”
JaneA Kelley, “9 Reasons I’m Adopting Special-Needs Cats from Now On”
Dusty Rainbolt, “When is it Time to Say Goodbye to Your Cat?”
Amy Shojai, “Cats Under Attack! TNR, TB, Toxo and Talkback”

IV.7 PR / Humane Education / Press Kits
combined with VI.1

V.1 Books: Fiction
Catherine Holm, The Great Purr
Belea T. Keeney, The Tiger Whisperer
Amy Shojai, Hide and Seek
Clea Simon, Panthers Play for Keeps
Linda Stewart, The Great Catsby

V.2 Books: For Children
no winner

V.3 Books: Health & General Care
no entries

V.4 Books: Behavior & Training
no entries

V.5 Books: Gift
Angie Bailey, whiskerslist (all lowercase)
Bernadette Kazmarski, feline style sampler (all lowercase)

V.6 Books: Poetry
no entries

V.7 Books: Other
Bryan Kortis, Community TNR , Tactics and Tools for PetSmart Charities

VI.1 Video, DVD or TV Production
Alana Grelyak, “CHATastrophe”

VI.2 Broadcast, Audio – Any Format Advocacy
no winners

VII.1 Online Magazine or Newsletter
Vicky Walker, Editor, Catster

VII.2 Online Article: Health & General Care
Lorie Huston, “Seven Common Pet Parasite Myths Busted”
Ingrid King, “The Feline Health Care Crisis” The Conscious Cat
Letrisa Miller, DVM, “Senior Cat Dental Health”
Letrisa Miller, DVM, “Squeaky’s Long Fall”
Dusty Rainbolt, “The Feline Quality of Life Scale”
Sandy Robins, “How to Form a Lifelong Bond with Your Cat”
Sandy Robins, “What You Need to Know to Keep Your Cat Healthy”
Sandy Robins, “Summer Cat Concerns” on

VII.3 Online Article: Behavior & Training
Marilyn Krieger, “What Do You Do When Your Cat Shows Signs of Senility?”
Marilyn Krieger, “Why do Cats Purr? Some of the Reasons Might Surprise You”
Marilyn Krieger, “How to Stop Litterbox Problems Before They Begin”
Marilyn Krieger, “I’m Willing to Bet Your Cat Hates Her Litter Box – Here’s Why”
Nancy Peterson, “It’s National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day”
Amy Shojai, “Why Cats Hate Halloween Costumes and How to Get Your Cat to Tolerate One”

VII.4 Online Article: Rescue/Advocacy
Deborah Barnes, “World Spay Day: Setting the Record Straight—The Basic Facts on Cats,
Conception, and the Benefits of Spay/Neuter” Zee & Zoey’s Chronicle Connection
Janiss Garza, “10 Signs of Cat Hoarding” CatChannel
Joanne McGonagle, “Love At First Sight” Rescue Me I-5
Dusty Rainbolt, “9 Reasons Why Yours Should Become a Cat Foster Family”
Sandy Robins, “We Chat With Beth Stern About Her Life as a Foster Cat Mom”
Sandy Robins, “Meet the Stray Cats Who Live in Nelson Mandela’s Former Jail”

VII.5 Online Article: Any Other Topic
Janiss Garza, “Top-Secret Tips to Get Your Cats to Pose for Your Camera” com
Janiss Garza, “5 Totally Legal Ways to Get Your Cat Stoned”
Elyse Orecchio, “Cats, Kids, Reading = Enrichment, Adoptions, Compassion”
Paris Permenter, “Zeki the Pet Safety Cat: From Rescued to Rescuer”
Dusty Rainbolt, “The History of Cat Litter and Litter Boxes”

VII.6 Online Column
Dr. Marty Becker, Kim Campbell Thornton & Mikkel Becker “Pet Connection”
Keith Bowers, “Cat Dandy”
Dusty Rainbolt, “Ask Einstein”

VIII.1 – Blog: Health & General Care (URL plus 3 blog posts)
no entries

VIII.2 – Blog: Behavior & Training (URL plus 3 blog posts)
no entries

VIII.3 – Blog: Rescue/Advocacy (URL plus 3 blog posts) Advocacy
combined with VIII.5

VIII.4 – Blog: Entertainment (URL plus 3 blog posts)
Lisa Richman, “A Tonk’s Tail Blog”

VIII.5 – Blog: Any Other Topic (URL plus 3 blog posts)
Janiss Garza, Sparkle the Designer Cat
Alana Grelyak, The Cat in the Fridge
Amy Shojai, Bling, Bitches & Blood
Dr. Emily Weiss, ASPCApro Blog
Layla Morgan Wilde, Cat Wisdom

VIII.6 Website
no entries

IX.1 Black & White Photograph (Single)
Debbie Glovatsky, “I’m Innocent”

IX.2 Black & White Photography (Series)
Debbie Glovatsky, “As Moody as B & W”

IX.3 Color Photograph (Single)
Bernadette Kazmarski, “Frankencat and Old Grand Dad”

IX.4 Color Photograph (Series)
Jerry Thornton, “Protecting the Jaguars”

IX.5 Photographic Art
Janiss Garza, “Tortie”
Lisa Richman, “Monday Mathematics”

IX.6 Cartoon
Bernadette Kazmarski, “Purring Points”
Bernadette Kazmarski, “Saturday Morning”
Stephanie Piro, “Favorites”
Stephanie Piro, “Litter Boxes”
Stephanie Piro, “Peace on Earth”
Stephanie Piro, “Rainbow Bridge”
Stephanie Piro, “House Cat”
Stephanie Piro, “Endorsements ”

IX.7 Illustration (Single)
Bernadette Kazmarski, “The TNR Story”
Dawn Secord, “Mr. Knuckles”
Cori Solomon, “Kissin’ Cousins”
Cori Solomon, “Milly”

IX.8 Illustration (Series) Website
no winner