Articles Published on Freelance Basis



Magazine2 KittensUSA“Adopting from a Shelter,” KittensUSA 2012

“The Inside Scoop about Internal Parasites,” Cat Fancy, June 2011

“Tapeworms,” Cat Fancy, May 2011

“Chicago Cat Circus,” Cat Fancy, May, 2011

“Got Rats? We’ve Got Cats,” Cat Fancy, February 2011

“Living with Feline Herpes,” Cat Fancy, Pending, 2010

“Lost Cats Found,” Cat Fancy, October 2009

“A Long Healthy Life,” Cat Fancy, September, 2009

“Hope Rises,” Cat Fancy, July 2009

“Showing a Little Heart-worm,” Cat Fancy, September, 2008

“To the Rescue,” Cat Fancy, April 2008

“Orphan Basics,” Cat Fancy, April 2007

“Keep Kidneys Healthy,” Cat Fancy, March 2007

“Maintaining Health in a Multicat Household,” Cat Fancy, March 2007

“How to Find a New Veterinarian,” Cat Fancy, February 2007

“When to Ask for a Second Opinion,” Cat Fancy, February 2007

“A Litter of Stars,” Cat Fancy, February 2007

“Train Your Tabby Today,” Cat Fancy, January 2007

“Safe House: Uncover Household Kitty Killers,” Cat Fancy, August 2006

“Your Grieving Friend,” Cat Fancy, August 2006

“There’s No Place Like Home: Except the Cat Nap Inn, Cat Fancy, May 2006

“Katrina’s Kitten,” Cat Fancy, March 2006

“Wake of Reform,” Cat Fancy, March 2006

“Understanding Felinese,” Kittens USA, 2005-2006

“In Their Own Words,” CatsUSA, 2005

“Saving Private Hammer,” Cat Fancy, November 2004

“A Mite-y Big Promise,” Cat Fancy, May, 2003

“Sowing the Seeds of Love,” Cat Fancy, July 2002

“When It Might Be an Emergency,” Catwatch, June 2002

“Getting Rid of the Problem,” Catwatch, May 2002

“A Litter Box for Every Cat,” Pet Age, November 2001

Magazine1“How to Fight the Funk,” Groom & Board, July 2001

“Annual Litter Review,” Cats Magazine, May 2001

“Hand-Raising Orphan Kittens,” Cats Magazine, March 2001

“America’s Native Cat,” I Love Cats, September/October, 1998

“A Carole Nelson Douglas Mystery”, Cat Fancy, March, 1998

“Yours, Mine, and Ours,” I Love Cats, September/October, 1997 issue

“Mayor Many Shoes Mitchell,” Today’s Dallas Woman, July, 1997

“Women in Dallas Radio,” Today’s Dallas Woman, June, 1997

“Nightwatchman,” PetLife, June/July, 1997

“Patricia Hague: She’s the Cat’s Meow,” Today’s Dallas Woman, November 1996

Magazine3 PetLife“Noah’s Cats,” I Love Cats, October/November, 1996

“Education in the Metroplex”, Today’s Dallas Woman, August, 1996

“Pitfalls and Pawprints”, Cats Magazine, July, 1996

“The Cats of Eureka Springs”, Cats Magazine, June, 1996

“Bird School Drop-out Saves Baby”, PetLife Magazine, June, 1996

“Hazards around the House”, PetLife Magazine, March, 1996

“Working Cats”, PetLife Magazine, February, 1996

“It’s a Jungle Out There”, CatsUSA, 1995 issue

“Rare Gems-Turkish Van breed profile”, CatsUSA, 1994 issue

Magazine4 General Aviation News“Medieval Mass”, Metrocrest News, May 4, 1989

“Chemical Dependency: The Tie That Binds”, The Living Church, February, 1989

“Living the Ultimate Fantasy”, General Aviation News, August, 1988

“Godspeed Discovery’” General Aviation News, November, 1988

“Feline Fetish”, Denton Record-Chronicle, January 31, 1988

“Santa Fe, A Page From the Past”, Rendezvous Travel Magazine, Fall, 1987

“San Antonio”, Rendezvous Travel Magazine, 1987

(The above titles include only articles written on an independent freelance basis and do not include pieces written as a staff writer, correspondent, columnist or regular contributor.)

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