WASHINGTON A bipartisan group of lawmakers will introduce legislation Thursday to prevent the Department of Agriculture from killing kittens after getting toxoplasmosis-infected poop. You read right. They kill kittehs for no reason.
The USDA has been breeding kittens in Beltsville, Maryland, infecting them toxoplasmosis, harvesting their infected poop, then killing them. The agency claims they have to kill the kittens to stop the parasite from infecting people.
What a bunch of poop heads. If the USDA isn’t a bunch of cat haters, then they’re just stupid. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is under the Dept of Health and Human Services says, “Cats only spread Toxoplasma in their feces for 1-3 weeks following infection with the parasite.” Hey, you cat-hating government idiots, kitties aren’t contagious after three weeks.
Even more stupid, Cornell Feline Health Center says toxo can be treated with the antibiotic, clindamycin and steroids. It’s hard to believe that these people don’t simply enjoy offing adorable little kittens.
The Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now (KITTEN) Act will protect these innocent animals from being needlessly euthanized in government testing, and make sure that they can be adopted by loving families instead,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., the Senate bill’s lead sponsor.
“The fact that we need a piece of legislation to tell the federal government to stop killing kittens is ridiculous on its face,” said Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., who is co-sponsoring a similar bill in the House. “What’s even worse is, when you hear the details that the government is actually breeding hundreds of these cats just to intentionally feed them parasite-ridden raw meat and then kill them even though they’re perfectly healthy.”
My sentiments exactly, Dude.
Hey, don’t take my word for it. Check out what the CDC and Cornell have to say about kitties and toxoplasmosis.
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