Animal Cruelty could become a Federal Felony

JeffyJeffyBadBoy, acclaimed feline journalist, wants you to support this animal cruelty bill

JEFFY’S DAILY MEWS          FLORIDA   If two congressmen from Florida have their way, animal cruelty could finally become a federal felony. The two Floridians reintroduced a bipartisan bill making malicious acts of animal cruelty and bestiality a felony under federal law.

The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, was sponsored by Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Sarasota and Rep. Ted Deutch, D-West Boca. Humans convicted of the crime could face up to seven years in prison. The bill does contain exceptions for normal veterinary care, hunting and humans protecting their lives.

Decades ago, the FBI recognized the between animal cruelty and escalating violence toward humans, so it’s not just we kitties who have skin in this fight.

In the past, the Senate unanimously passed the PACT Act. That bill earned 284 bipartisan House cosponsors and over 200 law enforcement endorsements in the last congressional session. But former House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., blocked the measure from coming to the floor. (Who in their right mind would block that? What is wrong with you and who are you taking money from?) Fortunately, Goodlatte  is no longer in Congress. 

Contact your congresshuman and urge him or her to support this bill.

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