Halloween Cat Safety

Gabriel Halloween IMG_2220_smallOn Halloween night, costumed goblins traipse up and down neighborhood streets demanding candy and dispensing tricks. Unfortunately, sometimes those victims are the family cat and unsuspecting strays.

In Medieval times, cats were associated with the devil, and their mere presence frightened people; today the tables have turned and All Hallowed Eve has become a deadly time for cats. Intentional cruelty to cats occurs every day of the year, but around the end of October incidences increase, as do unexplained disappearances of cats. Any cat can become a victim, but at most risk are of being sacrificed by cults are black, white, black and white or dark tortoiseshells. Across the country animal shelters and humane groups refuse to adopt black cats during the month of October. Most people are aware of the Halloween threat, but other sacrificial days observed by cults are: February 2, April 30 and August 1 and the days of the changing of the seasons. While there is occult abuse of cats, but most Halloween abuse occurs at the hands of kids and some adults with a demented definition of fun.

One retired vet told me she treated several Halloween victims, including a cat who had been shot through the head with an arrow and another cat hit with a dart. Both cats survived. She said she didn’t see much malicious mischief, but she suspected most of those cats don’t survive. So, let’s look at Halloween cat safety.

To be safe, bring your cats inside at least one week before Halloween. To acclimate slightly outdoor cats to living inside bring them at night for a few days. After a few nights indoor, it’s time to bring him inside 24/7 for a while.

On Halloween night lock your kitties in a safe room, away from open doors. While you are passing out candy, kitty may dart through an open door and into the hands of someone with an agenda or into the oncoming path of a car.

But Halloween dangers lurks other places besides in the hands of strangers. Sometimes we are our pets’ own worst enemy, even when we just want to have a little fun. Feeding our pets the wrong treat or being careless with wrappers can be just as deadly as the wrath of a stranger.

And chocolates are a definite no-no. According to ASPCA/Animal Poison Control Center, chocolate can be deadly. This is more of a dog concern, since kitties aren’t usually attracted to sweets. Milk chocolate can affect a cat or dog like an overdose of amphetamines. Dark baker’s chocolate is even more dangerous.

Chocolate contains a toxic substance called theobromine, which neither feline nor canine livers can metabolize. It causes vomiting, restlessness, heart disturbances and even death; although chocolate is a more serious danger to dogs because of their sweet tooth, it can kill cats or make them seriously ill. Be conscious of where your children leave their candy and wrapper. Hard candy can choke your pet and wrappers can block intestines. Instead, be safe and offer your only cat treats made specifically him.

If you suspect that your pet has ingested chocolate, or any other toxic substance, call the ASPCA/Animal Poison Control Center. It’s your best resource for any animal poison-related emergency 24/7, 365 days a year. You can reach them at 888-426-4435. A $65 consultation fee may be applied to your credit card.

Gabriel HalloweenIMG_2213_smallHalloween Cat safety:

  • Bring all cats inside at least one week before Halloween. All black, all white and mixed black and white cats are especially at risk during this occult celebration. (Acclimate outdoor cats to the house a few days prior to total confinement by keeping them in at night.)
  • Under no circumstance should pets be left outside on Halloween night. Even dogs in an enclosed fence could suffer at the hands of a malicious prankster.
  • Halloween night keep all pets away from doors.
  • Forget about walking the dog on Halloween night. Your pup doesn’t know that that monster latex monster mask is really the kid next door. (The incidents of dog bites increase dramatically on Halloween.)
  • Don’t feed either cats or dogs candy, especially chocolate because they can’t metabolize it; chocolate can kill or make them seriously ill.
  • Be conscious of where your children leave their candy and wrapper. Hard candy can choke and wrappers can block your pet’s intestines.
  • Make sure pets have identification just in case they get out.

One thought on “Halloween Cat Safety”

  1. Always good to see this. I’m glad that my one cat that goes outside isn’t going to let a stranger come close to her, but I try to keep her in around this time of year anyway. Also, my dogs don’t like to be outside after dark, even at the best of times, and Halloween isn’t the best of times…

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