Rating: Five paws
Pros: Controls odors extremely well
Light, making it easy to handle for the elderly and people with mobility and dexterity issues
Almost no dust for people and cats with respiratory problems
Cats love it
Cons: It tracks moderately
It’s a little pricey
This silica gel cat litter has been formulated by Dr. Elsey for cats who suffer from allergies or respiratory diseases. It’s also a plus for cat owners who endure similar issues. It’s hypo-allergenic, containing no plant protein, deodorants or perfumes. It does have an herbal essence, similar to a flower essence, to help reduce feline stress.
Despite the fine, sandy texture that feels soft and comfortable against sensitive paws, it puts out a negligible amount dust. The Rainbolt Test Kitties love this litter. When given a choice between many different brands of litter, the pan containing Respiratory Relief received the most use.
Volunteer reviewer Margaret Woodruff (a home health nurse writes), “Dr. Elsey’s Respiratory Rescue cat litter was recommended by a friend for my 93-year-old mother’s cat box.
“The clay clumping litter she had been using was too heavy for her to handle and too bulky for her to scoop. Despite the condition of the litter box, the cat continued to use it diligently. Mom has a diminished sense of smell. She is extremely independent will not let anyone help her with tasks, including maintenance of the litter box. I live out of town and am not able to be there but once a month. As you can imagine, over time this became difficult for the staff at the independent living facility to tolerate. The management called me to bring the odor problem to my attention, and recommended rehoming the cat.
“Respiratory Relief litter was the perfect answer. After we changed to RR litter, the odor was completely gone! And my mother scoops regularly now. I change the box once a month when I visit, and there’s no odor when I arrive. I can imagine the kitty is happy to not have to put his little face so close to all that ammonia. The ammonia-free air is certainly a healthier environment for Mom, too.
“The Assistant Director asked me how my mom was doing after the kitty moved. I told him the kitty was still there. He was surprised when I told him about the change in cat litter. He asked for information about the litter so he could suggest it to other cat owners there. This litter allowed my mother to keep her beloved kitty companion. He means the world to her. His loss would have been devastating.
“Although $16 seems a lot to pay for a 6.5-pound jug of litter, it’s very cost effective because you only need one jug for one cat, and you only change the box monthly.”
The 6.5-pound container retails for $15.99 to $18.99. You can find it at Petco, Amazon.com, and numerous other websites. Get more information about all of Dr. Elsey’s litters at www.PreciousCat.com.
What do you think of Dr. Elsey’s Litters? Leave your opinion in the coments below.
MARGARET WOODRUFF has been a home health nurse since 1988. She tries to find solutions for not just her clients’ medical needs, but to improve their overall quality of life.