Cat Scene Investigator wins six prestigious awards


Cat Scene Investigator recognized for excellence by the Cat Writers’ Association

Cat Scene Investigator receives honors

Last week at the Cat Writers’ Association Awards Banquet in Myrtle Beach, SC, CWA honored my latest book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery with six distinguished awards.

I wrote Cat Scene Investigator (Stupid Gravity Press) hoping it would help keep cats, who might otherwise be surrendered to shelters or abandoned, in their homes and to mend the human-animal bond damaged by litter box avoidance. Fortunately, the judges got it.

Best behavior book

Cat Scene Investigator received Muse Medallions for Best Behavior Book and Best Series of Illustrations. It also received the prestigious Dr. Jim Richards Cornell Feline Health Center Veterinary Issues Award. The Dr. Jim award goes to the highest quality entry on innovations in feline veterinary medicine that educates the general cat-owning public. Arnold Plotnick judged the category. He is a specialist in veterinary internal medicine and founder of Manhattan Cat Specialists in New York City.  Dr. Plotnick said, “Don’t be fooled by the small size of this book. It is jam-packed with up-to-date info on every aspect of inappropriate elimination in cats, written in an engaging, down-to-earth style. This book is the perfect blend of charm, humor and science.” This award was a double honor; the late Dr. Richards was my dear friend and mentor.

The book also received The Fear Freesm Cat Enrichment Award, sponsored by Fear Free, LLC and the Hartz® Glamour-Puss Award. The Enrichment award goes to the work that best educates about how exercise, food puzzles, scent training and other activities that can benefit a cat’s emotional and physical well-being and the role that has in their overall health. Glamour Puss recognizes the best work on parasite control, skin disorders and grooming.

In addition, cartoons by Stephanie Piro appearing in CSI received both the Muse for best series of illustrations and Stephanie’s CSI cartoons received the Kuykendall Image Award for the competition’s “outstanding image.” The book’s cover photo by Weems S. Hutto received a Muse nomination.

Thank you Cat Writers’ Association, CWA judges and special awards judges.

Cat Scene Investigator sports a new look.

Save kitty lives; spread the word

This book will save lives. We simply have to get the word out. Please tell your vet and local shelter and rescue group about Cat Scene Investigator. If you know anyone who has litter box problems with kitty, please tell them about Cat Scene Investigator. The book is available in trade paperback and Kindle. You can purchase it through Amazon, boutiques and veterinary clinics around the country. Additional distribution is pending. If you would like to carry this fabulous resource at your clinic or shelter, contact Stupid Gravity Press for wholesale rates.

Review: Beware the Tomahawk Quick Draw Collapsible Net for Cat Rescue

Tomahawk Quick Draw Net
Einstein models the hole in the Tomahawk Quick Draw Net created by Lucky two years ago.

Tomahawk Quick Draw Net seemed like a good idea at the time

I very seldom write negative reviews, but I’m mad as heck that a lightweight fishing net is being marketed by reputable animal control outlets as a viable cat rescue tool.

Several years ago I bought a Quick Draw Collapsible Net (QN101) from a Tomahawk vendor at Texas Unites for Animals. The guy manning the booth assured me this product worked great for cats.

As a rescuer, it looked like the perfect, yet affordable, answer to emergency cat captures. The description of the product on Tomahawk and other animal control merchandise websites says it’s designed to handle cats, birds and other small animals. I highly recommend it for arthritic gerbils, elderly hamsters and parakeets who have had their beaks removed, otherwise forget it.

A few years ago I used it to cat my elderly mother’s admittedly under-socialized cat so we could move Lucky with my mom to assisted living. The net folded up small enough to pack in my suitcase or I could keep it handy in the backseat of my car ready for cat rescue emergencies.

Tomahawk net's huge hole
Lucky’s hole in the Tomahawk net (designed for fishing not cats) was large enough for a small whale


The device worked like a charm until we actually caught Lucky with it. After sliding the net atop the 10-pound tabby, Lucky managed to rip two (count them) 8” long holes in the mesh as easily as warm butter. We finally caught the frightened feline when she darted into the cat carrier and we closed the door behind her.

Once again, we have to move Mom and Lucky to a memory care facility. *sigh and trepidation* I pulled out the unusable “cat net” and called Tomahawk hoping for a replacement. I was even willing to buy a replacement mesh, but they don’t sell them. The customer service rep said because I didn’t call right away they won’t replace the device, but I can buy a new device.

Customer service revelation

The customer service rep told me, this net isn’t designed to be used on feral cats. Really? Why did Tomahawk sell it at an animal control convention? Nowhere does Tomahawk discuss the product’s limitations. Until my phone call Tomahawk’s own website read, “Quick Draw Collapsible Nets have a telescopic handle and gentle but strong knotless ¼” mesh net. Durable aluminum construction means it is lightweight and capable of handling cats, birds, and other small animals. Triangular net opening is ideal for corners and walls.”

Measured hole in Tomahawk net
Look at the size of the hole Lucky made in the Tomahawk net. Gads!

Did it say, “Not designed for feral cats”? No, but the customer service rep informed after the fact. Did it say, “Use only on quadriplegic, defanged cats”? No. Did it say, “Use only on declawed cats”? No. Net’s real manufacturer, Frabill, sells the same unit on Amazon for fishing, not for animal capture. It also set a weight limit of 5.5 pounds. So, buy this product for cat rescue at your own risk. The product simply can’t handle cats; it picks up five-pound catfish. By all means, buy one of these, but DO NOT use it for emergency capture of a frightened or fractious cat. You will lose the cat, leaving both of you worse off.

I called Tomahawk again and spoke with a supervisor. To her credit she asked me if I wanted a replacement net. But while I was on hold I read Frabill’s own description of the product and I changed my mind. I think it is more important to let fellow rescuers and animal control officers know that this net will not be helpful in a rescue situation.

Immediately following our conversation, Tomahawk deleted the word “cat” from the description on their website. For that they get a yea. But search the internet and you’ll find distributors’ websites that contain the original wording as quoted above.

Tomahawk has a very good reputation and I can’t tell you how disappointed I am that they were marketing this product as an acceptable animal rescue solution. Shame on you, Tomahawk! Thank you for correcting your website. Now it’s time to encourage your distributors to follow your lead.

If you’ve purchased one of these nets for cat rescue, I encourage you to contact Tomahawk (or the distributor you bought it from) about a replacement. Please don’t use it to catch a cat.

Tomahawk distributor description using the original description
Tomahawk distributors still use the original text that reads it handles cats.

Have you had an epic fails in rescue equipment? Tell me about it in the comments section below my bio.


About Dusty Rainbolt

Author Dusty Rainbolt is an award-winning veterinary journalist according to her answering machine. She is an associate certified cat behavior consultant and member of International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, as well as past president of the Cat Writers’ Association. Her books, columns, reviews and articles have been honored with more than 50 writing awards including three-time recipient of Friskies Writer of the Year. Her just-released award-winning cat behavior book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery, is the consummate guide for dealing with a cat who sidesteps his/her appointed toilet. CSI, which provides science-based methods for determining the medical or behavioral causes of feline inappropriate elimination, teaches cat parents to view their cat’s litter box avoidance through the eyes of a detective to determine the cause and, ultimately, the remedy.