34 Reasons to be Thankful

happy-thanksgivingToday is Thanksgiving, a truly American holiday. At this moment, Weems and I are preparing to welcome our friend Liz to share Thanksgiving dinner and enjoy reruns of Punkin Chunkin’ and The Curse of Oak Island. While Weems is working in the kitchen, I began to ponder what the day is all about and all of the blessings in my life. We all have many reasons to be thankful.

Wale Ayeni said, “Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, is someone else’s fairytale.”

I know many of my friends are going through difficult times, but I ask you today to think about the good things in your life. Often, with the passage of time, we find out that the bad things were blessings in disguise. In 1972 my sister moved back home with a CAT! It was the end of the world. (My family didn’t like cats. I was afraid of them.) Nope. It was the birth of a passion that would change me and give me everything that is great and happy now. Thirty years ago, I thought my Ex moving out signaled the end of the world, but it was really the beginning of a much happier life.

I often take the good things for granted and dwell on the bad. Today I want to dwell on the good. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are the things I am grateful for. Maybe my list will help you remember what you are grateful for. I love y’all. Please leave what you’re thankful for in the comments. Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful:

1. To have been born in the United States. While not perfect, we experience a peaceful transfer of power every four to eight years. Sometimes I am happy about that transfer of power. Sometimes, not so much. I often take the freedom I enjoy for granted—the freedom to express my thoughts, to protect myself, to worship (or not) in the way I want, to go into the line of work that most suits me or makes me happiest.
2. For all of our patriots: the brave members of military, who give up time with their own families, who miss baby’s first steps and piano recitals, wedding anniversaries and the birth of their babies to protect us and keep this great country safe.
3. Civilian first responders. More Heroes.
4. My husband, best friend and soul mate, Weems. The best day of my life was the day I met you. Any day with you is the next best day.
5. My family. Dad, Mom, Margaret, Art. I have a brother and sister who I love and they return the favor. For better or worse, we made each other who we are today. I think we turned out pretty well. Yes, there was drama, but even that’s a gift. Think about all the fodder I have for future novels. My sister is the heart of our family; my brother the brains and logic. I’m grateful for a father who was a patriot and who wasn’t afraid to tell me he loved me. I’m grateful for a mom who was there every afternoon when I got home from school.
6. I still have my 97-year-old mom.
7. My life and health. In a sense I am even grateful for those new aches that come with age. My dear friends Jim and Vicki never lived long enough to experience those aches.
8. My friends. My rocks, my sounding boards, my escapes. You were always there when I needed you. In 1968, Debbie and I will have been friends for 50 years. (I wish I could say we met when we were in diapers.) Since meeting Debbie I have blessed with so many new friends. I love y’all.
9. Cats. People say I save cats, but the truth is, they saved me. What an empty world I would live in without them.


10. Veterinarians. I two amazing veterinarians who keep my kitties happy and healthy. Thank you Cassie Epstein and Cindy Rigoni.
11. Paw prints. Squee.
12. Animals. Any animal.
13. For the blessing and curse of being a writer. Ernest Hemingway said it best. “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
I am thankful that my writing makes a difference in people’s lives. I get to make a living doing what I enjoy. I get to play for a living.
14. My teachers, especially my four most influential teachers. Mrs. Fleire, my third grade teacher, who gave us an assignment to write a short story. That was the homework that ignited my love of writing. John Beard, my sixth grade teacher, gave all his students nicknames. I was The Dictionary. Thanks Mr. B. My senior year in high school I walked into Martha Schipul’s creative writing class. She understood she had an aspiring writer on her hands and did everything possible to nurture that. Martha gave me different assignments from the rest of the class. I loved her. Still do. Then there was Sonya, my English 101 instructor at Brookhaven. Like Mrs. Schipul, she gave me different, more challenging homework.
15. Animal rescuers. You save animals and help people. You make a difference.
16. Cat Writers’ Association. I joined 21 years ago. I’m grateful for the mentors, the contacts, the experts and enthusiasts and, most of all, the lifelong friends and my Sister by Another Mother. We’re a family.
17. My favorite movies. The ones I watch over and over again when I need a lift, Casablanca, Airplane, Blazin’ Saddles, Tremors 1-5.
18. Books. Other authors gave me the will to write and shared their knowledge. Douglas Adams, Charles Portis, Sophia Yin, Amy Shojai, Arden Moore, Selina Rosen, Julia, Linda, Rhonda, your books fill my walls and my heart.
19. Occasional travel. I love seeing new places and things.
20. Emails from my readers. Wow. People actually read my work! Who knew?
21. Sushi. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be sushi.


22. Bling. Sparkly dress. Shoot, anything that glimmers.
23. Memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner with my family. I can still smell the fragrance of turkey and my mother’s version of Grandmother’s Swedish dressing. It looked like mud, but tasted like Heaven. Wait, I’m smelling the turkey Weems is preparing.
24. Weems’ amazing Barbecue. Thank you, Johnny Trigg.
25. Chocolate anything.
26. Coffee. My favorite is salted caramel from Winco. Sometimes Weems brings me coffee in bed. Simply Heaven.
27. Compassionate people. People who leave the dinner table to rescue an injured animal, or volunteer at a homeless shelter. Who give a stranger a flower, just because it looked like she needed it.
28. Adult beverages. Wine, beer, chocolate martinis.
29. Writers and bloggers who use proper grammar and know the difference between “your” and “you’re.”
30. Mobile phones and caller I.D. Take that robocallers and solicitors!
31. Memories of going to movies with my dad. I remember watching Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines in the Cinema 1 & 2 and laughing so hard my cheeks ached. Whenever I see Patton or The Longest Day, I can almost feel Daddy beside me.
32. The smell of lavender. Real lavender, not a chemical version of it.
33. My readers. The animal rescuers, the dreamers, the geeks. I love all of you. You inspire me when I’m down. Thank you each and every one of you for reading my blog, Facebook posts, books and articles. A writer without readers is just a crazy person talking to herself. I love making people laugh and sharing information that will make people or kitties’ lives better. It’s hard to believe that helping people with their cats has become my occupation.
34. Amazing Grace. Being born at this time and place in history. At no earlier time could humans get up in the morning moderately secure that they would be able to climb into bed that night. Between marauders, criminals, war, illness, accident or predation, another day was never promised. How amazing that we that we can plan next week, next year and even the next decade. We are truly blessed.

Please share with me what you are thankful for.

Lisa Vanderpump and Kathy Ireland are Holiday Shopping Online for a Pawsitive Cause

Online Shopping for a Pawsitive Cause

Help Your Favorite Animal Charity While Shopping Online at No Cost to You

November and December are key shopping and giving months. With Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday just around the corner, Americans are gearing up for the Holidays. This month is also a key fund-raising time for animal welfare organizations.  Animal lovers can Share The Love by starting their shopping online at AdoptAShelter.com, picking their favorite shelter or rescue, and then connecting to their favorite stores. It’s easy, fast and free… and all purchases earn a cash-donation.

Shopping online through AdoptAShelter.com puts money in the pocket of your favorite animal shelter without costing you a dime


We are thrilled to have Lisa Vanderpump and Kathy Ireland headlining our Shop For A Pawsitive Cause campaign,” says Chris Ruben, founder of AdoptAShelter.com.  “In addition to being very successful, these two wonderful ladies are deeply involved in charity work.  We are also excited to have Pinups For Pitbulls and Internet-star and Spokes-Dog Preston of PrestonSpeaks.com on board.  We want to reach shoppers during this key time of giving to let them know they can achieve both at the the same time… in their pajamas.  And, shoppers can register to win fabulous gift packages from Vanderpump Pets®, Kathy Ireland®, Pinups For Pitbulls® and PrestonSpeaks®, all valued at $150+ simply by subscribing to our free monthly eNewsletter.”

About AdoptAShelter.com  #AdoptAShelter

  • The average cash donation – Smile Bigger
  • Registered animal welfare organizations in all 50 states
  • 700+ stores in the AdoptAShelter.com Online Mall donate to the charity of YOUR choice
  • Combined volunteer hours of AdoptAShelter.com Team Members (no payroll)
  • 70,000+ Cups of pet food saved by donating 42 prime booth spaces at Amazing Pet Expos
  • Donations paid out to animal welfare organizations across the country
  • Cans of FREE dog & cat food to organizations via Cans To The Rescue campaign
Don’t leave money on the table… put food in bowls!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Help your favorite animal charity by doing your holiday shopping online through AdoptAShelter.com

November 3 is Cliché Day

November 3 is Cliché Day. Yes, really. It doesn’t rise to the occasion as does Veterans Day, but let’s have some fun! Clichés are overused and tired platitudes that became overused because there’s usually a grain of truth in it. On the other hand, some are interesting, but just plain wrong.

Erroneous Clichés

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“He was weak as a kitten.” What are they talking about? Obviously whoever came up with this one is either talking about person who is as weak as the Hulk, or he has never tried to give a pill to an unwilling kitten. There is nothing weak about a kitten who is being forced to do something he doesn’t want to do.

“Curiosity killed the cat.” When I first became a cat owner, I cross stitched a this phrase for a friend who loved cats, but I thought the saying was too negative and morbid to hang on a kitchen wall. I edited it to say, “Curiosity is a cat.” However after having and rescuing so many kitties, I found that in too many cases, this is true. Now I prefer the the revision below.

“Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” Now were talking.However there is a third version that I find more applicable.

Not a cliche. This version is more accurate.

Accurate Clichés

“Ignorance killed the cat. Curiosity was framed.” ~C.J. Cherryh. Sadly this is so often true when cat owners fail to understand their cat’s unique physiology and behavior. (Apply canine flea products to the cat, giving Tylenol, bringing lilies into the house,)

“It’s raining cats and dogs.” Or should that be “the reigning cats and dogs?

“Herding cats.” As an official Cat Wrangler, I can assure you this is impossible. See my favorite commercial of all time.


“Look what the cat dragged in.”   Okay. Me in the morning.

“Busier than a three legged cat in a dry sand box.” I have three three-legged kitties. Covering in the litter box isn’t a problem for them.

Leggo meme
Untrue cliches. Some three-legged kitties have no problem in a sandy box.

“The cat’s out of the bag.” In Medieval times farmers sold piglets and turned them over to customers inside a bag. However, unscrupulous people would put a cat in the sack. When the bag was opened the cat would flee and the person would learn he’d been duped. Of course the real truth is: It’s nearly impossible to get a cat to vacate a sack.

When the cat’s away, the mice will play.” Just ask any bodega owner in New York City.

What are your favorite cat-related clichés?