New Pets Needing Prayers

Monte CarloPlease pray for my Afghan Hound  Monte Carlo who has a terminal illness. He was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in October and given less than 6 months.He was rescued with his sister from the humane society when they were 5 years old. They are 10 now. I pray it be your will to heal him. He is such a saintly dog.He also just developed Old Dogs Syndrome. Just don't know how much longer he can live as in days really but don't have the heart to put him down today on Christmas. 🎄 Pilar


Join Me at The Charming Cat Corner

Logan enjoys his own personal jungle.


Dallas cat cafe opens on Saturday at Vista Ridge Mall in Lewisville. Woohoo.  signing book and of course drinking coffee and playing with kitties.

I was lucky to get a sneak peek at The Charming Cat on Thursday. Got to take a tour of the “meeting” rooms and meet all of the charming kitties. So much fun.

Walter Kroncat shows off the Victorian Room.


Each room has a different theme, so not only do you get to enjoy feline company, you get to drop yourself into a fantasy location. The Charming Cat can transport you to a Victorian room, a tropical room, a future room. Even the lobby and open areas have kitties sneaking a nap in the most fabulous truly arboreal cat trees. They really look like trees!

Cassidy takes a break in the Victorian Room.


The kitties are some of the most friendly felines I’ve ever met. They’re game for hugging, kissing, tummy rubs and lots of feather chasing. Best of all, if you fall in love, you can take your new heart cat home with you. All of these charming cats are available for adoption.

We all want The Charming Cat to big a big success so please join me there today.

Charning Cat Corner
Vista Ridge Mall #1306
Lewisville, TX
972-315-CATS (2287)

Happy National Mutt Day

National Mutt Day

December 2 is National Mutt Day. I don’t really like the term “mutt.” It sounds derogatory. I prefer “dog of all breeds.

Regardless, it’s all about embracing, saving and celebrating mixed breed dogs. So please visit your local shelter and find a new friend today! If you can’t adopt, consider fostering.

We lost our mutt Abby in May to a cardiac tumor. We hope to have a new mutt soon.