(My apologies to my readers, but this blog doesn’t mention cats or writing except within this disclaimers saying they don’t appear. Additionally, the subject is in rather poor taste, but c’est la vie. The important point is that I am including some essential research about the cats’ favorite prey, the rodent.) Viagra
Today is Viagra® Day, the 17th anniversary of the day the FDA approved the drug for, well you know.But Viagra is more than a drug that makes life miserable for Hugh Hefner’s 20-something-year-old wife. The Little Blue Pill also improves the quality of life for traveling hamsters.
You are going to be delighted to know (as I was) that several years ago scientists at a university lab discovered that Viagra helps hamsters overcome jet lag. Yes! Relieved rodent owners around the world are declaring, “Now Squeaks can get his little wang up!” Rodents suffering from a lack of libido or jet lag should be a concern to all animal lovers. In the past, these poor lab hamsters had to stop procreating long enough to scurry aboard a plane and travel cross-country. Now they can actually procreate while ON the plane!
Rather than wasting good Viagra and plane trips on creatures who don’t have any problems reproducing in the first place (and who can’t tell the difference between the Grand Canyon and the bathroom at Grand Central Station), why don’t these Ivy Leaguers pass out little blue pills at retirement communities and send these sexy seniors on a second or fifth honeymoon to Hawaii. The experiment conducted in this manner has the added benefit of the human actually being able to say whether or not he feels lagged.
Which begs the question: how can you tell if a hamster has jet lag? I’ll probably never know. I guess I went to the wrong university.