International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities Day.

There are so many wonderful animals disabilities in shelters. Why not open your home to a special needs dog or cat? The kitty below is Leggo, a stray who lost his leg inside a car engine. He’s such a sweetie and he doesn’t jump on the counters.

Pets with disabilities teach children compassion, and to accept others who are different. Many “special” pets don’t even require special care.

Leggo memeT

3 thoughts on “International Day of Persons with Disabilities”

  1. 2 blind roommates, 2 dogs who have had broken legs, 1 cat with FIV, 1 cat who is blind in one eye

    I don’t go looking for animals with disabilities, I actually don’t go looking for animals, but they come to me anyway – well, I went looking for a dog, he just happened to have had a broken leg when he was taken to the shelter…

  2. I have been around disabled animals that my sister has had over the years. They are precious and leave such a warm place in the heart when they must depart. Do you just ask at the shelter about their disabled residents? How do you find them, Dusty?

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