Friends, Cat Lovers, Countrymen,
Lend me you ear. I know politicians have a bad habit of saying “mission accomplished” before the job is really finished, but I believe I can say that, mostly.
With the exception of Lilly, all of Lorie’s babies are in their new forever homes. Cross-country transport would be too traumatic on the little white three-legged cat, so she’s staying at Lorie’s clinic (Hoffman Animal Hospital) until a new family is found. Lilly must go to a quiet local with no dogs, small kids, or aggressive cats. Tia, the receptionist at the clinic is carefully screening adoption applications.
Thank you to everyone for their financial contributions, for opening your homes to these little orphans and for spreading the word.

Thank you to;
- Tia-Elise, Kelly Brady-Famiglietti and Mary Pepin for their boots-on-the-ground work. They cared for the kitties and transported them as necessary, until homes were found.
- Incoming CWA President Marci Kladnik for arranging transportation.
- BlogPaws’ Chloe DiVita for raising money to pay for vet care and transport and for offering cat food.
- The BlogPaws community, Susan Gingrich, Diane Stuckart and Allia Zobel Nolan for your monetary donations.The funds allowed us to ship cats, buy food and litter, pay for shipping and diagnostic tests. After all the volunteers have been reimbursed for their expenses, I will send the remaining funds to Lorie’s brother, Tim. Lorie has an enormous outstanding hospital bill and the money will help at least a little.
Despite this shocking and devastating loss, I am glad that the animal blogging community, Lorie’s friends, family, clients, employees and the Cat Writers’ Association came together to save her kitties. Lorie would be pleased.
Great work everyone!
Wooo hooo! That is great news!