Mars Attacks? Predators & Prey Inhabit the Red Planet

mars news flashOn Sept. 28, 2012 the Mars rover Curiosity took a photo that the conspiracy theorists would call “suspicious”. The photo, taken by the rover’s mast camera clearly shows (if you’ve ingested enough mind-altering substances) a rat hiding among a cluster of rocks labeled “Rocknest” on the orange, rock-strewn Martian surface. One UFO blogger pointed out the lighter upper and lower eyelids, as well as a nose, cheeks, ears, from leg and tummy.

I have to admit that after a couple of glasses of Zeller Schwarzekatz, that I either begin to see things in the Martian terrain or I fall asleep and drool.

As I examined this rather convincing photo, I wondered, “If there are alien rodents on Mars, did they take a wrong turn on their way to the moon, which as we all know, is made of cheese?” Or do they come to inhabit the fourth rock from the sun by escaping E.T.’s flying saucer in the same way Captain Cook’s ship rats came to populate Cook Island.

Mars cat w insert
A UFO blogger discovered this cat-like rock formation among the photos taken by the Mars rover Curiosity. This NASA photo is unretouched.

When I first learned about the Red Planet’s rodents I wondered if there might also exist feline inhabitants to prevent a pan galactic rodent infestation or the spreading of Red Planet Plague. Just in case the little rock rat ever escapes to Earth, keep your kitties close and your rat traps closer.

mars rat
This “rodent” was discovered in a Curiosity photo taken on Sept. 28, 2012. Where there’s rats, there’s cats.

It appears my theory is correct, as the eagle-eyed blogger of Mars Anomalies, UFO Sightings and More who was scrutinizing Curiosity’s raw photos believes he has located a couple of feline shapes on the planet’s surface. The blogger says the cat which could possibly be a fossil or a creature hiding among the rocks has clearly an eye, ears and a tail.

While I originally discounted his discovery, I have to say the “face” of the formation is compelling. I looked closer and found other shapes that I absolutely did not insert into the photo. (My tongue is firmly planted in my cheek.)

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