June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month

Taco in Cage_2_I was framed

This month is Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month. So it’s a great time to introduce you to Taco. He’s my one-year-old foster–a  tabby and white boy, neutered, of course.

Taco came to me a couple of months ago from the Irving Animal Shelter. Someone had done something very cruel to him and the shelter needed an foster home for him. He was sweet; he was friendly; he was hurting. They sent out pleas, “Please, someone help him!”

The cat chair of Animal Allies of Texas asked me if I was interested in fostering the injured kitten. Of course. I couldn’t ignore that wound. How could I turn away from that face? But what’s with the name the shelter gave him, Taco?

Taco asleep
Despite the trauma he experienced, nothing seems to upset Taco.

I After bringing him home, I quickly learned why the volunteers worked so hard to save him. He’s a doll. He loves being with peopleh. This kitty gets along with everyone: cats, dogs, kids. You name it.

I had to do hydrotherapy on his wound every day. That involved spraying tepid water on the wound for 10 minutes. The poor little kitty who had been through so much would look up at me as if to say, “Why are you doing this to me?” But he didn’t struggle or fight. I never got a scratch.

Although he’s so well-mannered, Taco doesn’t want to have to go to any more adopt-a-pets.

So now the time has almost arrived for Taco to go to a new home. I have to find  someone who will love him always. I guarantee you, he’ll love you forever.

But no matter where you live, there are millions of Tacos who want nothing more to snuggle up with their person at night. Many shelter cats have suffered so much, yet still have a gentle, loving dispositions. Please, go to a shelter near you and adopt a kitty. Better still, adopt a hard-to-adopt kitty, a mature cat, a senior, a black cat or a cat with health issues.

You’ll feel great. You’ll have a new best friend and you’ll save a life. Comment below about your new best  buddy. I can’t wait to hear who came home with you.


If you live in Texas and a’re interested in adopting Taco, fill out an adoption application at the Animal Allies of Texas website.

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