#PreciousCat Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract Litter Giveaway & Review

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Cats avoid the litter box for any number of reasons not their fault, from an illness to a box that in some way doesn’t meet their standards. Their fault or not, cats who miss the box are at risk of being surrendered to an animal shelter. And since families aren’t standing in line to adopt inappropriate eliminators, litter box avoidance can be a death sentence.

Dr. Elsey Cat Litter

Now that I’ve got you totally depressed, here’s the good news: Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract™ actually encourages kitties, even those with wandering bladders (and bowels), to return to the box. I’ve been a fan of Cat Attract™ for over a decade. (Keep reading to learn how you can win a bag of Cat Attract™.)

There are aisles of litters on store shelves with a variety of characteristics. Unfortunately felines and humans don’t always agree on which qualities are important.

People want a low-tracking, low-dust, yet affordable, litter that controls odors, has a pleasant fragrance, and produces hard clumps. Cats, true to their nature, are more comfort-oriented. They want a fine-textured litter that feels good against their paws, but with without an overpowering fragrance. Cats don’t give a rat’s rear about perfumes and tracking.

Dr ElseysEnter Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract™ Cat Litter. I discovered this litter when the product was first introduced to north Texas. In 2003 I was the product editor for the Tufts University publication, Catnip. I was in the midst of a cystitis-inspired outbreak of inappropriate elimination that I called The Great Litter Box Rebellion. There are few things more frustrating than my cats not using the litter box.

I conducted the side-by-side preference test of popular cat litters including the newly-introduced Cat Attract™. During that week-long evaluation, the little product testers showed a (pardon the pun) marked preference for Dr. Elsey’s. The Rainbolt Test Kitties love, love, love this litter.  Since that review, my cats have had at least one litter box filled with Cat Attract™. Today, five out of seven litter boxes in my house contain a Precious Cat® litter.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADr. Elsey’s Cat Attract™ is a therapeutic clay clumping litter with a moderately fine, sandy texture that contains a proprietary herbal cat attractant undetectable to the human nose. It has all of the attributes cats find desirable in addition to my wish list.

As soon as I poured out the Cat Attract™ the cats jump into the box and begin to dig and use the litter. They actually appeared to be having fun.  Cat Attract™ even coaxed my Siamese-mix Cosmo, who suffered from two urinary tract blockages, back to the pan.  It’s ideal for multicat homes, where litter box issues are more likely.

Cats are very sensitive to texture and scent.


Now for the human perspective. Cat Attract™ is a low-dust litter. It forms very firm clumps that don’t break when you scoop. Neatness aside, broken clumps leave behind little crumbs that cause the litter to smell. It clumps so hard and so quickly, it works in electronic litter boxes.  It even comes with a booklet filled with suggestions to help your cat make friends with his box again.

The downside is that it has a moderate level of tracking, and well, that’s all I can find. Hmm. Sweeping up tracked litter versus soiled carpets. You do the math.

Yes, it’s more expensive than bargain brands, but it’s worth it; it’s certainly cheaper than a carpet cleaning service or buying new flooring. Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract Cat Litter can be purchased online and at most pet retailers. It comes in 20 and 40-pound bags.

Do You Feel Lucky?

Enter the Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract™ Cat Litter Giveaway. For a chance to win a 20-pound bag of Cat Attract™ simply leave a comment on this blog before 11:59 CST April 10, 2014. Don’t forget to include your email address. The Cat Attract™ Giveaway, across all participating blogs, is limited to one winner per household.  For additional chances to win, share this post on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest using the hashtag #PreciousCat. Don’t forget to tell me in a separate comment where you share it. Sorry kiddos, you have to be 18 years old and live in the U.S. to enter.  Winners will receive an email with instructions.  Prize delivery can take up to eight weeks.

It’s time for full disclosure: Precious Cat®, who makes Cat Attract™, sponsored this review on behalf of the BlogPaws Blogger Network. Yes, Dusty Rainbolt’s Universe is being compensated for spreading the word about Precious Cat’s Cat Attract formula, but as I’ve said before, I only write about products my cats love and I use regularly. Precious Cat isn’t responsible for the content of this article.

48 thoughts on “#PreciousCat Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract Litter Giveaway & Review”

  1. I would LOVE this! We recently moved to a much smaller house and are having a hard time keeping our cats in the habit, as well as cleaning up the area around the pan! Great idea!

  2. I have never heard of this litter , but our new boy won;t use pine litter and we got him a litter maid, but the smelly litter from the name brands is enough to drive us out the door. I would love to win and will be looking to see if it is sold in the Pittsburgh area. Thanks Dusty love learning new things!

    1. I couldn’t believe how well it worked in the Litter Maid. Like a champ. These days I scoop just old-school.

  3. I can’t wait to give it a whirl. Too many kitties are thrown outside or sent to shelters when there may be other alternatives.

    1. You’re so right. Whenever people want me to take their inappropriate eliminators, I always tell them to go to the vet then buy Cat Attract. I know this litter has saved a lot of kitties.

  4. I tried it recently and it did seem to attract the kittens. My kittens will go any any place they see an opportunity-cat beds, boxes, bath tubs, clothes left on floor. I am currently working on toilet training one of them.

  5. Oh my, how I wish I’d heard of this sooner. I have a cat with recurrent cystitis and another one who’s 17 and starting to rebel at using the box. The other two are fine but it’s a struggle finding litter that all four will use–then there’s the neighbor’s cat who comes to visit, and, well, you get the picture.

  6. I have not seen this brand where I shop but will be on the lookout for it. Thank you for your interesting post.

  7. Dr. Elseys cat litter is the best. I have used all of his different types for the last 6 years. I will not use any other litter. I also own that exact cat litter box and also LOVE it. I have 6 cats all in door only and I only have that one big litter box. Now I scoop twice a once in the morning and once at night. But the reason all of dr. elseys cat litters are great is because you dont have to use a litter liner or change out the litter ever week. All you do scoop and add more litter when it gets low. Its 99% dust free, clumps great, traps odor easy to scoop and stays together when scooping. I JUST LOVE HIS LITTERS.
    The attract cat litter is great for litter box problem kitty or new introduction cat and he also has one for kittens that are learning to find the litter. He also has one called the classic precious cat litter, the ultra and the ultra scented which these are the ones that I use and they dont have the attract part in. He also carries like 6 more different types. But petsmart carries almost all of his litters, petco some but cost a few dollars more then petsmart.

  8. I would be anxious to try this litter with my cats. I volunteer at the Dento Shelter and yes we do get cats turned in because of urinary problems.

    1. Hi Genora. I’ve pulled a lot of cats from Denton. My tuxedo girl Bette came from Denton after she suffered a degloving injury. Nobody wanted to adopt her so we kept her. We named her Bette after Bette Sherman, who paid her vet bills.

  9. Sounds like an excellent product! I have an old male who is being stubborn about the litter box. Gotta try this!

  10. With 13 cats and 2 diabetics sometimes there are accidents. I will have to give Dr. Elseys a try. Thanks for the info!

  11. Our household has it’s first cat. I found Scamper, a former barn Tomcat, badly injured, apparently from a fall from the barn rafters. Although he’s recovering, he’ll never be able to go outside again. After the trauma of being fixed and his back injury, I’m so proud he’s getting healthy again. He seems to be comfortable using the litter box but I’d love to try Dr Elsey’s litter to be sure Scamper is 100% happy. Thanks for the chance.

    1. Precious Cat has a new litter called Touch of the Wild, formulated to encourage formerly outdoor cats to use the box. I’ll post a photo of my girl Bette with her entire head in the bag. She’s a big fan.

  12. I still wish we had our Litter Robot. Bobb didn’t like it but the cats & I were in favor of it. Sad that it finally broke & a replacement is just too costly for us right now. (Besides, I’d want to get *several* of them since we have multiple cats.)

  13. My mom needs to try this for their 3 boys! They seem to like bathroom carpets every once and again. Thanks for the great info Dusty!

  14. My mom needs to try this for their 3 boys! They seem to like bathroom carpets every once and again. Thanks for the great info Dusty!


  15. Such good information. Always talking to people that are considering giving up their cats to the shelter because of this problem. I’ll definately recommend this litter. After a trip to the vet of course

  16. I actually just bought my first bag last week, but haven’t used it yet. The price is great, so if it works I’ll become a regular customer. The price is very reasonable, but with 3 cats, a free bag would always be nice.

  17. What a great product! I am so happy to have found it, that I am stocking in my tiny store and am starting to add the products to my website under pet supplies! #PreciousCat Rocks!

  18. Thanks for the chance to win. This seems to be a great kitty litter. Nice review, too.

  19. One of my kitties has been going outside of the box for a little while now. I have tried everything!

    He’s gone to the vet a couple times and while he did have a UTI the first time, the doctor suggests it all leads back to something behavioral.

    I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on Feliway and other products. I’ve changed litters and litterbox placement!

    I love your review of this product and I think it could be a godsend! I’ve got my fingers crossed 🙂


  20. I definitely need to try this as my oldest cat (around 16 yrs of age) is pooping both in and outside the box with each bowl movement. I’ll try anything!!!

  21. I think I’ll give it a try this! The litter that I am currently using has lots of dust although my boys do not seem to mind that at all…

  22. Would love to try this product! I have an almost 17 year old cat whose kidneys are failing and she has started marking the most unusual spots(like on my treadmill for instance). She was a rescue over 16 1/2 years ago, and would never use a litter box and preferred to go outdoors to do her business. Now she does not go outside very much, and also will not use the litter box. Would love to try Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract Litter!

  23. My house is a real zoo, with five rescued Treeing Walker Coonhounds and three cats (rescued or found as strays). I’m always looking for products that will help me care for my precious furbabies while helping keep my house clean and in order. I’ve heard good things about this brand of cat litter and I’m very interested in giving it a try. (My e-mail is urdchan@gmail.com)

  24. Wow, that litter sounds great! I’ve had amy cat for a couple years and just recently got a kitten as well. Twice as many kitties means twice as much litter!!!

  25. I’d neither seen your site nor heard of this litter before. I would love the chance to try it for free! Thanks!

  26. I would love to enter this Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract Cat Litter give away. I live in Europe and I have never seen this product anywhere. I wonder if it would attract territorial ex-Toms to stop spraying? Your comments, please.

  27. I absolutely love the Respiratory Relief litter, but haven’t yet tried the original Cat Attract. From what I’ve read, it works wonders for confused kitties.

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