January 30 is the 365th anniversary of the death of England’s King Charles I. Unlike the United States, where people often fear black cats, the English have long held the belief that black cats are sources of good fortune. Winston Churchill even credited his wartime success on his ritual of petting every black cat he saw. His own black cat, Nelson, even attended cabinet meetings.
A few centuries earlier King Charles I had a black kitty ,(whose name has been lost to history) that he also dearly loved. He believed his cat would protect him from those who wanted to kill him. The king so feared losing his pet (and his life) that he placed a 24-hour guard around him. Eventually the cat fell ill and died. In December 1648, legend says the distraught king cried out, “Alas, my luck is gone.” Apparently he was right. The next day Oliver Cromwell’s troops arrested him. He was found guilty of treason. On January 30, 1649, Charles was beheaded.
Learn a lesson from Charles I. Always have a lucky black to cover your back.