Crocodile Reenacts Scene from Jurassic Park III

spinosaurusRemember the scene in Jurassic Park III when the ravenous Spinosaurus (translated to mean Big Ass Dinosaur with bad breath and Enormous Appetite) ate Nash, the guy holding the satellite phone? Later the dopey ringtone began to blare across a field from inside the Spinoasurus internal regions. Of course, said phone still managed to work after it made its way all the way through the digestive track (along with the byproducts of Nash’s digestion) and out the body in the world’s largest pile of poop. It was a fun movie even if it did stretch the bounds of believability past Jupiter.

In December 2011, a Nile crocodile in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine recreated the scene by chomping down a cell phone dropped in his enclosure and went on a month-long hunger strike. Unlike Spinasaurus, nature has failed to take its course, Ukrainian vets said.

Instead of simply saying “I vant to be alone,” the 15-year old croc named Gena (perhaps should have been named Greta or Garbo), Gena gnoshed down the cell phone of a tourist trying to take his picture. Witnesses said the ringtone could be heard from inside Gena for several days. Unfortunately, Gena’s condition is deteriorating.

To stimulate a little bowel action, vets offered Gena a quail injected with laxatives and vitamins. Nobody’s fool, he refused the evacuant-spiked bird. If things don’t start moving, vets may have to consider surgery, which would be risky.

The tourist says she doesn’t expect to get her phone back, but she’d certainly appreciate retrieving her SIM card with her phone numbers.

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