Product Review: American Red Cross Cat First Aid Book & DVD

/></a>RED CROSS MONTH</b>-This is Red Cross Month and a good time to

sharpen your cat and dog first aid skills.\r\n\r\nThis 116-page cat first aid guide has

short and sweet instructions on what to do in the most common cat medical

emergencies, how to assemble your own first aid kit and information on disaster

planning. It also comes with a very helpful DVD that permits you to observe CPR

performed on a cat manikin and other difficult-to-explain procedures.\r\n\r\nThe

Red Cross also offers a dog first aid course.\r\n\r\nThis guide retails for $16.95

and is available at PetSmart, through your local Red Cross chapter

and Barnes and Noble. For more information, please contact the Red Cross by

calling 202-303-5000 or by visiting its website:\r\n\r\n<!–

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