p=1414′,0,’revision’,”,0),(1433,1,’2013-02-28 04:07:36′,’2013-02-27
22:07:36′,'<a href=\”http://www.dustycatwriter.com/WPDusty/?
attachment_id=1434\” rel=\”attachment wp-att-1434\”><img class=\”size-large
wp-image-1434 alignleft\” alt=\”CrescentCoverwTextFront Ci Only-2\” src=
width=\”454\” height=\”712\” /></a>\r\n\r\nDusty Rainbolt\’s paranormal mystery,
Death Under the Crescent Moon was released last week at the science fiction
convention ConDFW in Addison, TX. It has a cover price of $16.\r\n\r\nIf you
weren\’t lucky enough to buy a copy at the con, you can still purchase it at a
discount from the publisher, <a href=
\”>Yard Dog Press</a> for $14. It\’s also available on <a href=
+the+crescent+moon\”>Kindle</a>, <a href=
\”https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/284308\”>Nook and most other
ebook formats </a>for $2.99. In the words of Alfred E. Newman, \”Cheap!\”\r\n
\r\nBuy early and buy often. There\’s more information about Dusty\’s new novel at
<a href=\”http://dustycatwriter.com/WPRainbolt/\”>Dusty Rainbolt\’s
Universe</a>.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n<!–Digiprove_Start–><span class=
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onmouseout=\”this.style.color=\’#636363\’;\”>Â Â Copyright secured by
Digiprove © 2013 Dusty Rainbolt</span></a><!–
crescent-moon-at-a-bookshelf-near-you’,”,”,’2013-02-28 04:13:34′,’2013-02-27