Ghost Cat Photos

On very rare occasions, people manage to capture photos of ghosts. Here are three such examples that appear in my latest book, Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits.

This is from the story “Little Joe’s Portrait” in Ghost Cats. Moments after finding her favorite feral, Little Joe, dead, Anita Morris snapped this photo by Little Joe’s favorite dish. Little Joe is the transparent cat in the upper center.


After Dolly passed, her owner Andy continued to see her impression on his bed. Her story is “Making an Impression.”


Kathy Johnson took this picture when her son, Erik, said his leg felt cold. Above his hand you can see an orb.

5 thoughts on “Ghost Cat Photos”

  1. The night we put our dear cat to sleep, when we came home, an identical cat stood outside at our doorstep.
    We were looking at the cat and the cat seemed to be waiting for us to open the door.

    We were in disbelief because we just came from the vet, from saying goodbye.

    When I finally went to open the door, the cat had gone away. I thought it might have been another cat looking like mine, but I never saw that cat again.

    It was an eerie.encounter.

  2. I had two beloved Sphynx cats Ameno and Lazarus. Sadly, Lazarus was diagnosed with HCM and passed away after we had moved to another home. Lazarus was not happy about the move and always loved the other home. Both cats enjoyed playing in the yard there as well. About a year later I had the opportunity to move back into the home Lazarus loved. I kept telling Ameno he could go for walks again there. As we prepared for his first walk back in our old home, I opened the side door and I watched him scamper out. To my amazement I saw Lazarus follow right behind him in a hazy outline!! Ameno went on to live to the ripe old age of 19. I still dream vividly about them both and miss them so.

  3. Wow! I’m reading the “Ghost Cats” book right now, and this helps solidify to me that there indeed is an afterlife, both for humans and for other animal species such as our beloved cats and dogs. Thank you for publicizing these amazing findings.

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