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Inappropriate elimination is a plea for help.


Cats avoid the litter box for countless reasons, but if you can determine the cause, you can likely correct it.

  1. He’s sick. Any number of illnesses cause pain or discomfort that your kitty associates with his litter box. As soon you notice a mishap, take your cat to the vet. Often inappropriate elimination is the first sign of disease. This is an opportunity to treat an illness before it becomes advanced.
  2. The box is dirty. Like you, your cat wants to use a clean toilet. If his box hasn’t scooped for days, I can’t blame him for seeking out less stinky accomodations.
  3. Scented litter. Cats have sensitive noses, and that sensitive probuscis is just inches from the surface of the litter. For many cats that’s too darn close. Switch to unscented litter.
  4. He’s scared. Cats are amazing hunters, but they are also prey. They spend their lives worried about a surprise attack from larger predators. Everything scares them: loud noises, cat ambushes, dog harrassmment, slamming doors, and even loud music may make him feel vulnerable.
  5. It’s hard for him to make it to the box. A stairway between your kitty and the box may make it difficult for your cat to get to his box especially if he eight years or older. After all, you don’t make your grandmother climb stairs to go to the bathroom

If you need more than a short list, check out my new book, Cat Scene Investigator: Solve Your Cat’s Litter Box Mystery, the consummate inappropriate elimination guide. CSI approaches kitty crime scenes through the eyes of a detective to help determine your cat’s motive and the remedy. Check it out at Amazon.


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